
Footage surfaced Friday of Donald Trump making crass comments about his sexual exploits and seeming to make light of sexual assault. | AP Photo

Democratic super PAC launches ImWithSexist.com to shame GOP pols who back Trump

To the Republicans who’ve condemned Donald Trump but stuck with their endorsements, a Democratic super PAC is issuing an online challenge: ImWithSexist.com.

The group, Not Who We Are, has been encouraging employee and community groups to write open letters disavowing the Republican nominee. But many Republican politicians’ reactions to Trump’s casually recounting sexually assaulting women and getting away with it in a 2005 tape has the PAC launching a new microsite Saturday to turn up the pressure.

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The site enables visitors to tweet at GOP leaders with messages including, “Do you respect the women in your life & state enough to stand up for them? Will you #DumpTrump? ImWithSexist.com” and “What’s more important: America’s women or partisan politics? #DumpTrump #TrumpTapes ImWithSexist.com.”

“Donald Trump’s utterly repugnant comments about women reveal the true nature of the man and show he has no business even running for president,” said Not Who We Are campaign manager Josh Hendler. “The choice is clear: either you stand by your endorsement or stand with tens of millions of people who believe Donald Trump and his disgusting views are not who we are.”

Several Republicans have dumped Trump in light of the revelations, including Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz and Alabama Rep. Martha Roby, who said Saturday morning, "Donald Trump's behavior makes him unacceptable as a candidate for president, and I won't vote for him."

“Name one sports team, university, publicly held company, etc. that would accept a person like this as their standard-bearer?” tweeted South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham.

But most Republicans who have condemned the comments in the tape and called for an apology — including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Speaker Paul Ryan — have not pulled their endorsements.