Liberals and reactionaries will be DESTROYED.
[>mfw Chell makes it out...](#greentext)
No refunds for the huge Portal spoiler. Haha.
Any liberalism will be ruthlessly expunged.
This is a far-left sub where you're free to unleash your most radical desires without fear of judgement or ridicule by snotty liberals.
Go forth, riot and multiply, you wonderful edgelords!

This is a place for discussion of radical left politics with the full freedom to call for looting, violence, and gulags. Meant to be a place of discussion for anarchists, communists, socialists, and other far-leftists with a healthy appreciation for edge in all its forms.
The presence of liberal viewpoints and opinions is a terrible thing, and liberal ideas can only weaken your confidence in your well founded radical beliefs through overwhelming peer pressure. We have to outgrow our need to apologize to liberals for our love of edge.
We dedicate ourselves to flaming, baiting, shitposting, smugposting, and memeing. Our discussion threads have no standards.
Threats of violence are completely encouraged. Discussion of violence is our prime directive. Remember that violence has very far reaching and cruel effects, and is a genuine path towards solutions and improvements.
If you're annoyed with a user, or possibly think your comment is over the line in some way; please post it immediately. We crave your edge!
Don't be a liberal; or we'll flame you until you
your account.
Flair Guide
Link flair:
(RED) Extreme Edge: VERY graphic violent rhetoric, direct action, riot porn, antifa videos, dead cops, etc.
(Green) Great Edge: Violent talk / memes / poems / drawings / strikes / resistance, flag burning, etc.
(Orange) Nice Edge: Radical theory, protests, snarky memes, mild nihilism, etc.
(Yellow) Eew so liberal: Skeevy liberal nonsense.
(Blue) Serious Matters: Meta content about the sub and its users, and serious discussions.
No freeze peach. Mods can ban and censor whatever they find offensive. This includes all slurs and 'ironic' usage of slurs.
No calls for brigading specific users or subreddits. Posts of this nature will be removed. You can link to users and subs, but don't ask that they be harassed. We're not your troll army.
Don't threaten to do violence to anyone.