So I did this experiment on POF (Plenty of Fish) over the past 4 days. I posted 2 almost identical pictures of myself (just different shirts). Everything in my profile was the same, EXCEPT, height AND income/JOB. Guy #1 was in law and made $100k+ and was 6'3" , guy #2 was a lab tech making $35K+ and was 5'4".
Tall guy got 81 messages, short guy got zero. In the messages, the women were throwing themselves out there. Everything I said they were on board with, many offered their phone numbers without me asking and offers to come over and drink.
These women disgust me. I closed out the accounts now, but it confirms EVERYTHING. I even had a couple who were "attached" and looking for fun. Thank God for MGTOW.
[–]solaceFromSolitude 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]JStheHammer [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)