The_Donald 内の Viking83 によるリンク THIS COMMUNITY IS NOT FOR SALE.Here are Lil-z and TehDonald's resignations. I'll steer the ship while we figure out what's up and down. And now ... LET'S GET BACK TO WINNING THIS ELECTION.

[–]yiannopoulos_m 52ポイント53ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hi guys. This is Milo. I'll link to this post from my verified Facebook when it's up.

A few days ago I was asked to confirm the identity of a billionaire I know personally. He's a huge Trump supporter and I trust him entirely. He asked me to verify that he was who he said he was. Here are some mistakes I made:

  1. Not drafting the post myself. It was quite obviously not in my voice, which led some to ask if I'd been hacked.

  2. Not reading it closely before approving it via an assistant. I waved this endorsement through because I know the person personally. I should have given the project more careful thought. I didn't show this community the appropriate level of respect and consideration and for that I apologise.

  3. Allowing any solicitation for donations to appear under my name. I know some people have questions about a story the Daily Beast published related to my charity, which means I ought to have been more careful before lending my name to anything involving donations.

The Beast story is without foundation, the unfortunate product of a disgruntled ex-employee.

In the coming weeks on my Dangerous Faggot tour I will be making more public announcements about the progress of the Grant, and I will be making several awards in person on the stage at various schools. Keep an eye on this link for more info.

Those who desire greater detail can go here.

I respect and love this little corner of the universe so in the interests of transparency, here's how much I spend monthly, on one credit card.

I'm not trying to show off, just to demonstrate to you that I don't need your money and I would never try to con you out of it. I'm not about to risk my career for a few thousand dollars. I might be crazy, but I'm not insane.

Thanks for listening.

Edit: Facebook link

The_Donald 内の Viking83 によるリンク THIS COMMUNITY IS NOT FOR SALE.Here are Lil-z and TehDonald's resignations. I'll steer the ship while we figure out what's up and down. And now ... LET'S GET BACK TO WINNING THIS ELECTION.

[–]yiannopoulos_m -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hi guys. This is Milo. I'll link to this post from my verified Facebook when it's up.

A few days ago I was asked to confirm the identity of a billionaire I know personally. He's a huge Trump supporter and I trust him entirely. He asked me to verify that he was who he said he was.

Here are some mistakes I made:

  1. Not drafting the post myself. It was quite obviously not in my voice, which led some to ask if I'd been hacked.

  2. Not reading it closely before approving it via an assistant. I waved this endorsement through because I know the person personally. I should have given the project more careful thought. I didn't show this community the appropriate level of respect and consideration and for that I apologise.

  3. Allowing any solicitation for donations to appear under my name. I know some people have questions about a story the Daily Beast published related to my charity, which means I ought to have been more careful before lending my name to anything involving donations.

The Beast story is without foundation, the unfortunate product of a disgruntled ex-employee. In the coming weeks on my Dangerous Faggot tour I will be making more public announcements about the progress of the Grant, and I will be making several awards in person on the stage at various schools. Keep an eye on this link for more info.

Those who desire greater detail can go here.

I respect and love this little corner of the universe so in the interests of transparency, here's how much I spend monthly, on one credit card.

I'm not trying to show off, just to demonstrate to you that I don't need your money and I would never try to con you out of it. I'm not about to risk my career for a few thousand dollars. I might be crazy, but I'm not insane.

Thanks for listening.

The_Donald 内の [deleted] によるリンク I am a Nimble Rich Man. I support Donald J Trump, and I need your help defeating Hillary Rodham Clinton through Nimble America. AMA

[–]yiannopoulos_m[M] 29ポイント30ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hi guys, Milo here. I have personally spoken with /u/NimbleRichMan and gotten to know him and his passion for Donald Trump and the Trump movement. As a billionaire and maxed out Trump supporter, he reached out to the mod team and was put into contact with their project to create the non-profit Nimble America, with the goal to "Shitpost Across America". I want to say this is a worthy cause that I endorse because they are one of the Trump faithful and will promote pro-Trump policies.

They would like me to share that you that you can help support Nimble America and the Trump movement by signing up on , purchasing a t-shirt on , or by donating directly on either platform.

With love from your dangerous faggot.


The_Donald 内の the-realDonaldTrump によるリンク I’m Donald J. Trump and I'm Your Next President of the United States.

[–]yiannopoulos_m 1395ポイント1396ポイント  (0子コメント)

Just before Hillary Clinton's failed campaign in 2008, she pushed for a reinstatement of the 55mph Federal Speed Limit, which had been repealed through a provision in a 1995 Highway Bill from the newly-elected Republican Majority Congress, despite protests from then-President Bill Clinton.

During her speech to the National Press Club in Washington DC, Hillary (who has, by her own admission, not driven a car herself since 1996) said "The 55-mile speed limit really does lower gas usage. And wherever it can be required, and the people will accept it, we ought to do it."

Will you protect the freedom of states to determine their own proper speed limits? Bringing back the Federal Speed Limit would be a disaster for travellers and commuters, but even more so for truckers and the people who rely on them, many of whom are small business owners just barely getting by.

The_Donald 内の the-realDonaldTrump によるリンク I’m Donald J. Trump and I'm Your Next President of the United States.

[–]yiannopoulos_m 4101ポイント4102ポイント  (0子コメント)

America has a proud tradition of stealing the most brilliant and talented people from countries around the world for ourselves. Albert Einstein, Wernher von Braun, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Melania Trump... the list goes on and on. In recent years, however, H-1B visa abuse has become rampant.

A program meant bring truly exceptional talent to America has been twisted by globalist politicians and corporations, allowing low-cost, short term labor to steal jobs from everyday Americans and take everything they learn back to their home countries. Will you curb H-1B abuse and make sure visas are going to people who want to become American, stay American, and make America great?

The_Donald 内の the-realDonaldTrump によるリンク I’m Donald J. Trump and I'm Your Next President of the United States.

[–]yiannopoulos_m 3309ポイント3310ポイント  (0子コメント)

Net Neutrality is a controversial issue with internet users, particularly here on Reddit. Some believe it is an innovation-crippling step towards allowing the government to control and regulate our dearly-beloved internet, but many see it as necessary for protecting consumers from monopolistic corporate practices, especially those of Internet Service Providers who charge more and more, provide less and less, and refuse to seriously invest in new technology infrastructure that other developed nations like Japan and South Korea take for granted.

Even as more and more businesses rely on high speed internet for everyone, America is falling behind in a field that America invented in the first place.

You have said little on this issue, aside from a tweet several years ago that suggested you were against Net Neutrality.What is your position on current Net Neutrality rules? Will President Trump make America's internet great again? Can we solve these issues without giving even more power to government officials?

The_Donald 内の the-realDonaldTrump によるリンク I’m Donald J. Trump and I'm Your Next President of the United States.

[–]yiannopoulos_m 2011ポイント2012ポイント  (0子コメント)

The Democratic primary fight saw huge discrepancies between exit polling and the actual results, well beyond what is statistically probable. These discrepancies occurred almost entirely in states with electronic voting and minimal paper trails. Some believe that Bernie had the nomination stolen from him with electronic voter fraud, how will you make sure the establishment don't work with Crooked Hillary to cheat us all out of a Trump presidency?

The_Donald 内の yiannopoulos_m によるリンク I am Milo Yiannopoulos, the Dangerous Faggot. AMA.

[–]yiannopoulos_m[S] 110ポイント111ポイント  (0子コメント)

I love it! And we're looking for copy editors. Hit me up.

The_Donald 内の yiannopoulos_m によるリンク I am Milo Yiannopoulos, the Dangerous Faggot. AMA.

[–]yiannopoulos_m[S] 41ポイント42ポイント  (0子コメント)

Daddy is not going to die

Maybe not ever!

The_Donald 内の yiannopoulos_m によるリンク I am Milo Yiannopoulos, the Dangerous Faggot. AMA.

[–]yiannopoulos_m[S] 17ポイント18ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is actually true

I know hundreds of Milosexuals

You probably know some too

The_Donald 内の yiannopoulos_m によるリンク I am Milo Yiannopoulos, the Dangerous Faggot. AMA.

[–]yiannopoulos_m[S] 48ポイント49ポイント  (0子コメント)

Neither party has been great to blacks.

The_Donald 内の yiannopoulos_m によるリンク I am Milo Yiannopoulos, the Dangerous Faggot. AMA.

[–]yiannopoulos_m[S] 81ポイント82ポイント  (0子コメント)

You have successfully identified one of my core beliefs

The_Donald 内の yiannopoulos_m によるリンク I am Milo Yiannopoulos, the Dangerous Faggot. AMA.

[–]yiannopoulos_m[S] 509ポイント510ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well, I sort of have started that movement. I call it "Milo's career." The good thing about boys is we don't need a stupid hashtag to rally around -- we have facts, logic and reason.

Men get killed more by police because we commit more violent crime. Same with blacks -- although of course police kill more whites than anyone else and the number one risk to a black male is another black male.

Men do all the dangerous stuff. That's why 97% of workplace fatalities are male. But we're strong, chivalrous and selfless gentlemen, and we wouldn't want it any other way, would we?

The_Donald 内の yiannopoulos_m によるリンク I am Milo Yiannopoulos, the Dangerous Faggot. AMA.

[–]yiannopoulos_m[S] 168ポイント169ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yes, I am worried about security. I'm a target. When I go to Sweden this month ( the locals will probably try to kill me -- and that's just the dowdy feminist politicians. God only knows what the Muslim immigrants who have made Sweden the rape capital of Europe will do when they see this hot, skinny blonde riding through their neighbourhoods on horseback, surrounded by fags waving flags.

I love motorcycles -- and of course the rugged,. masculine specimens who ride them. I've never met a Biker for Trump but here's hoping one of them lets me ride their Harley. I wonder if their presence will have a calming effect on screeching upper-class white kids protesting Daddy?

The_Donald 内の yiannopoulos_m によるリンク I am Milo Yiannopoulos, the Dangerous Faggot. AMA.

[–]yiannopoulos_m[S] 1314ポイント1315ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hi Milo! Without even seeing you I can tell you are erudite, sophisticated, right about everything and you have great hair.

Easy. The Supreme Court. SCOTUS determines the future of America, in a far more transformative and permanent fashion than most presidencies. Maybe any presidency.

What's so bewildering about Never-Trumpers and Cruzbots is that they are willing, purely out of spite and myopic pique, to deny Donald Trump the presidency and thereby hand the Supreme Court over to the far-Left for a generation. That will destroy the America we all know and love irrevocably. There will be no return.

It's amazing to me, as a European coming to America, admiring of the values on which it was founded and envious of its First -- and Second -- Amendments, that conservatives would be willing to throw the country to the Left (and therefore to Islam, by the way) just to express their snobbish distaste for Daddy. All for a few short-terms shekels from their globalist paymasters in banking and industry.

It's obscene, and self-serving, and they deserve to burn.

Thank you again for your great question!

The_Donald 内の yiannopoulos_m によるリンク I am Milo Yiannopoulos, the Dangerous Faggot. AMA.

[–]yiannopoulos_m[S] 1410ポイント1411ポイント  (0子コメント)

Milo, you are beautiful, popular, witty, talented and especially good at asking questions of yourself. What do you tell your parents and siblings is the single reason Hillary Clinton must not be President?