Disclaimer: Obviously who cares what anybody says or thinks about MGTOW but I had to get this off my chest. I think it will help some people.
One of the biggest things I see people say about MGTOW is that if we were truly going our way we wouldn't be talking about women. They have a point but they have no idea what they are talking about.
They don't understand that men have been brainwashed to cater to females and their approval, to try to find their one true love, to marry, and that this will make them happily ever after. This has been shoved down their throats their entire lives.
Think about this. If you're young (say 18/20 years old) your lucky, you've only had this shoved down your throats when you were child and just starting to go into your adult years. Not a whole lot of data to erase and to come up with new beliefs and ways of being.
As you move into your 20s, 30s, 50s it gets harder and harder to do because you've been brainwashed until you took the RP. You have to vent about it to get it out of your system. You slowly go your own way because you've been told it's bad by many people and that it's selfish. That the only way to be is to find a female affection/approval and find love. Your biology tells you this, everybody tells you this. You are found a loser if you don't.
This can take years to erase from your being. So you will be online on MGTOW and maybe find yourself taking with your friends/family talking about RP ideas. Because you are trying to erase these ways of being. You are putting your new life in front of you. You are becoming MGTOW while slowly erasing all the bs that is in your subconscious and that is still almost all of the gynocentric society we live in and surrounds you.
So when the haters, BP, and all of the other doubters say why do you talk about women if you are actually going your own way? This is why. It can be a constant battle inside when your first transitioning into this lifestyle.
You should vent. You should talk about these things. While you are building yourself a life outside of women and this gynocentric society that won't stop trying to get you to buy into it. This is one of the few places where men can actually do that. Take advantage of it while you are getting this bs out of your system.
[–]Eyes_Of_The_Dragon 2ポイント3ポイント4ポイント (2子コメント)
[–]scubar 2ポイント3ポイント4ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]Eyes_Of_The_Dragon 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (0子コメント)