October 06, 2016

David Menzies becomes a woman!

David MenziesMission Specialist

Why should The Rebel's Lauren Southern be the only one who gets to go out in drag to prove a point

The City of Toronto's locker room and change facility policy says you can use whichever room corresponds with the gender you "believe" you are, not the one you were "assigned at birth."

So I transformed into my alter ego, "Lady Menzoid," to test this out.

For my experiment, I chose the Dennis R. Timbrell Resource Centre. You see, it happens to have Toronto's first sharia swimming pool, with special times set aside for Muslim women only, when the windows are covered.

What would they think if I, in wig and women's one-piece swim suit, decided to go swimming during one of those sessions. After all, I "identify" as female, right...?

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commented 2016-10-06 15:59:37 -0400 · Flag
My hat is off to the lifeguards who had to make that judgement call. To their credit they had to be as flexible as Nadia Comaneci in that situation and gave David “the benefit of the doubt” and David did nothing to betray that benefit.

And to be fair….nobody knows what is in the mind of the person nearby…it is only when thoughts are acted upon that they become substantive reality.

Watch the movie “Public Enemies” with Johnney Depp…..in any city crowd enemies could be close enough to reach out and touch you….and “count coup” in a cowardly fashion of ambush.

I have an authentic “coup stick” fashioned by a master aboriginal/metis craftsman…Ron Cormier…it has the horns of a young buffalo that died standing it’s ground to defend the herd…they are arrayed on the stick in such a way that nobody who doesn’t understand what a coup stick is could fathom how to use it….

You walk up to the opponent who has defied you with confidence and you touch their heart…they will then listen to and hear what you have to say….

I have demonstrated it’s effectiveness to skeptics many times…

The “jihadis” of the “Islamic State” are cowards who ambush those who don’t know how to fight back…

They claim to be on God’s errand….but God admires courage and despises cowardice….which is why so many of their cowardly ambushes get nipped in the bud.
commented 2016-10-06 15:57:08 -0400 · Flag
Sorry everybody, did not laugh, did not find it funny at all. What he did was expose a very sad fact of what awaits my grand children. Kudos for that David, as I believe that was the point you were pushing.
OMG WTF is happening with our country?
commented 2016-10-06 15:16:07 -0400 · Flag
Howl with laughter.
So David the true test is to go back the second and third time. Would be curious to learn if the policy has been modified?
commented 2016-10-06 15:10:42 -0400 · Flag
Thanks David for taking one for the team. I’m just not sure which one.
commented 2016-10-06 14:51:10 -0400 · Flag
Since he started donning Burkas I knew it was just a matter of time.
commented 2016-10-06 14:44:04 -0400 · Flag
DAVID , too funny!!!
But what is the western world coming to ?? , without Christian common sense , and rule of law , it’s going to turn into a quagmire of anarchy!!!
commented 2016-10-06 14:41:30 -0400 · Flag
I get your point about the silly new trans and gender apartheid rules.
You, Mr. Menzies, are a true journalist: courageous, bold, and honest.
BTW, I know it’s a serious subject, but I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Hilarious!
commented 2016-10-06 14:35:26 -0400 · Flag
Lady Menzoid – your hair really needs some attention & your 5 o’clock shadow is very un-sexy & ya better work on that figure! lmfao!

How insane! This is what happens when we allow lunatics to run the asylum!