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Poor thing is unhappy
Poor thing is unhappy

If Donald Trump knows one thing about life, it is that he did not say that thing you say he said, even if you claim to have “videotape” of him saying it. “Videotapes” is a well known DNC conspiracy to take down Trump, just like microphones and human beings with XX chromosomes. And Trump got REAL MAD at a rally Wednesday in Henderson, Nevada (IT’S PRONOUNCED NUH-VOOOOOOOO-DEEE), about some Hillary Clinton ad showing what a cock-waffle he really is toward veterans. And he wants to sue, because he did not say those words the Hillary ad shows him saying, with his stupid face hole:

“I saw today — I left the room and I saw a commercial where it was really a nasty commercial, totally made up about me with vets. There is nobody that loves the vets more or respects the vets more,” Trump said. “They’re spending hundreds of millions of dollars on false commercials and it’s a disgrace. So what we’ll do — I guess we’ll sue them. Let’s sue them. Right? Let’s sue them.”

As CNN points out, he didn’t specify which ad, but his butt is probably still chapped over how veterans from sea to shining sea are real pissed off at him for downplaying the very real problems of PTSD and veteran suicide. Again, Trump is not responsible for what comes out of his mouth, because he’s just a baby with tiny hands who ain’t even know what words mean.

It was probably this ad, where Trump says stupid and horrible things about knowing more about ISIS than the generals and about how John McCain is a giant pussy, while veterans watch:

It probably sucks for Trump that the VERY BEST Hillary ads are simply his tattered orange face saying words. Hell, every speech Trump gives, every tweet he sends, is basically a free ad for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. To know that your greatest weakness is your failed self, well … that probably hurts Delicate Donald in his heart.

But that’s how it is and we are glad when Donald Trump is sad.

Hey, here’s a new ad Hillary Clinton tossed out after the vice presidential debate. It’s all the times white-haired idiot goblin Mike Pence said Trump didn’t say things he said, spliced together with clips of Trump saying the things he totally didn’t say. He should probably sue Hillary for this one too:

Maybe when Trump is president (LOL!) he can “open up the libel laws” to ban people quoting him, ever, for any reason, so as to keep his sensitive self from ever being embarrassed again.


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  • mancityfooty

    The bar has been set so low, I shudder to think of what the next election cycle will bring.

  • Pinkham’s Law

    She’s not treating him fairly. She’s being very unfair. After all, he was only joking! Or being sarcastic, maybe?

    • TJ Barke

      Whichever one makes the criticism go away faster.

    • BearGHAZI

      Sounds like a solid lawsuit to me

    • Tallmutha

      He just said those things for entertainment purposes.

      • Deplorable Ron

        Sop why is no-one being entertained by them?

  • Nounverb911

    Dear Donald
    I just trademarked the word “Yuuuuuge”.
    Everytime you use it, you pay me cash moneys.
    Love and kisses,

    • Rags

      And I just trademarked “Yuuuuge” and “Yuuuuuuge” FTW

  • Spotts1701

    I’m glad he has the best temperament. I’d hate to think what he would look like if he were a raging loon.

  • Me not sure

    The last face in that ad is my friend, former Senator Max Cleland. He lost both legs and an arm in Viet Nam, only to be smeared in ads run by the noted shit bag former Senator
    Saxby Chambliss as a terrorist sympathizer, for voting against the Patriot Act.

    • DainBramage

      Of all the disgusting things they’ve done, that was one of the worst.

      • Me not sure

        He is a good guy, and they really trashed him.

    • Lance Thrustwell

      Saxby Chambliss, Saxby sick.

      • tomamitai

        Saxby Chambliss, Saxby sick.

        Saxby eatin’ salted rat dick!

    • chimichanga

      oh man – even remembering that pisses me off…Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    • Astraea

      Saxby Chambliss sounds like he should be a villain with an English accent in a Marvel movie.

      • Me not sure

        More like something a villain would step in.

  • Nounverb911
  • schmannity

    Some people can’t handle the horror of their own words.

    • Bub the Leftwing Zombie

      Many people have trouble coping with the horror of Donald’s words.

  • Pickle Truther (AntiDerpomeme)

    Even Donnie’s own lawyer has admitted:

    Donald says certain things and then has a lack of memory […]

    • Villago Delenda Est

      But, I thought, by Donnie’s own testimony, that he has the best memory on the planet, if you discount all humans, all primates, all canines, all felines, all termites…

    • Thiazin Red

      He also seems honestly confused about the existence of recording devices and the ability to look things up.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    White-Haired Idiot Goblin is the name of my new one-man play.

    • Villago Delenda Est

      Goblin libelz!

  • limberrat

    Of course he’s threatening to sue. Its a typical Donald response when he doesn’t get his way. I await when he sues every voter for not voting for him.

    • Gayer Than Thou

      I’ve already been served with papers.

      • Ghenghis McCann

        …and they’re now hanging from a nail in the outhouse, where they will be most useful.

  • Lizzietish81

    Well it’s been his go to strategy since day one

    • limberrat

      You beat me to it! I was thinking of the same song.

    • DainBramage

      My sister once had hyper-litigious neighbors move in next door. It was a nightmare.

  • Candy Apple


  • Nounverb911

    So Trump is really just a boy named sue?

  • goonemeritus

    I’m kind of insulted that Wonkette has yet to be sued.

    • tihond

      Peter Thiel will get to it eventually.

    • Señor ThatMexicanKing

      Serving the papers as you type:

      I, king s, a mexican skwerl, am an idiot of the ‘Legal Society’; and; am an idiot (layman, outsider) of the ‘Bar Association’ and ‘Fourth Estate’; and; i am incompetent; and; am not required by any law to be competent, and i like tacos, and am not required by any law to be like tacos, and i like dick jokes, and am not required by any law to be like dick jokes, am suing the Pulitzer Organization Wonkette in all forms and realities within and without the Onmiverse for depraving me of my Constitutional right to not be criticized for my exercise of free political speech free for fitty gigabillion gold canadian pesos.

      See you in Judge Morty’s court.

      • Bad Tom

        Sounds legit!

      • Thiazin Red

        Trump has a constitutional right to be a dumbass.

      • goonemeritus

        Is it too soon to offer to settle?

    • Tallmutha

      Yeah, thanks for nothing, Bradley Dean.

    • julienne58

      You’d think we weren’t trying hard enough.

  • tihond

    You’d think his followers would notice how thin-skinned he is but whatever.

    • Gayer Than Thou

      They themselves are pretty thin-skinned. In fact, Thin-Skinned Americans are the demographic that is most reliably in support of him.

      • Lance Thrustwell

        They have a Melathin surplus.

    • Creepoman

      They only care that his thin skin is white.

      • tihond

        And not coursing with estrogen.

  • DoILookAmused2u ?

    I’m going to go out on a limb and say I bet there are vets and veteran support groups who love the vets more better than a common Trump.

    He never turns this stuff off, does he?

    • Deplorable Ron

      There’s so much pressure built up behind the nozzle that there’s no way to turn off the valve.

  • TJ Barke


    • Will use

    • willi0000000

      . . . spinning gold into straw for more than 60 years now.

  • JHan

    I guess your Russian friends can loan you more money to clog up our courts with your BS.

  • Well, you can file a lawsuit for any reason you want. It’s just that any judge will laugh you out of court and perhaps throw his tiny hammer at you like Thor.

  • Msgr_Pantless_Thundergoose

    Trump will present a counter-punching ad which features him repeatedly yelling, “SQUIRREL” in his characteristically loud, gruff voice.

  • Jenny, Manocidal Vagendiac

    That vp defense ad is seeeeeeexy! Keep saying moar words!!

  • Callyson

    I guess we’ll sue them. Let’s sue them. Right? Let’s sue them.

    “Sure, I could use a good laugh!”

    – The judge

  • Mr. Blobfish

    Sorry, Donnie. Maybe Ivanka can kiss it and make it better.

    • Kavefish



    • Villago Delenda Est


  • Señor ThatMexicanKing

    If only there were people you could hire that could help you manage a campaign. Come up with rapid response ads and other targeted message stuff.

    Then again you might have to pay them.

    • Msgr_Pantless_Thundergoose

      Only if they’re good.

      • Señor ThatMexicanKing

        And of course they won’t be.

    • Mr. Blobfish

      I can think of seeing only one Trump ad.

  • Callyson

    As CNN points out, he didn’t specify which ad

    With all the material he’s giving them, how can he keep up? I sure as hell can’t.

  • Gayer Than Thou

    The more I see him, the more Pence is giving me Race Bannon DILF realness, which is giving me feelings in my no-no place. And that may be the thing that pushes my election-season day-drinking from “high-functioning alcoholism” to “blacked out at my desk.”

  • bubbuhh

    Trump knows he will win cuz One Hair To Sue Them All!!!!!!!

    • Villago Delenda Est

      In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie…

  • chascates

    Of all of the estimated 3500 lawsuits involving the orange-tufted howler monkey how many did he win? Doesn’t he just sue to get a debt discharged cheaper or to irritate foes (anyone not closely related to Trump)? Anyone that litigious should have to post a hefty sum just to initiate a legal action.

    • Nockular cavity

      Yes, I would like to see that statistic, too. Just how much of a yooge loser is Mr. Sue-em-all?

    • Ezio

      No, no. It’s obvious he only loses because the judges are biased against him! Wake up sheeple!!1!

    • beingreleased

      According to today’s WaPo, he won $3 in his anti-trust fight against the NFL when he owned as USFL team. So that’s one he won.

    • theCryptofishist

      Define “… not closely related to Trump.” Nephews definitely count, yes?

  • Vincent Ricola

    Oh please move forward with this lawsuit, Donald. It’s a very good idea.

  • AngryKatie

    One word Donny: discovery
    Hillary and her lawyers could have a field day.

  • shastakoala

    He does know it’s not just a camera but audio as well?

    • Painter of ThatMexicanThing

      I never assume he “knows” anything.

    • vivian

      Wh wh whw what!!? Pictures AND sound?!?! Together?1! No one will ever go for this. Terrible idea. Just horrible.

  • Rags

    Speaking of DT quotes,

    “The argument is that we have to take the guns away from these people that have them and that are bad people that shouldn’t have them. These are felons, these are people that are bad people,” Trump said.

    Where is the NRA outrage on this clear violation of ‘2 Amendment’ rights??

    • Villago Delenda Est

      One has to wonder where that outrage is. I mean, the NRA has no problem with those on the no fly list obtaining firearms.

    • TheAmazingBeardedLady

      I wish I was as articulate as Drumpf. I suppose I just don’t know all the best words. Sad.

  • Joshua Norton

    Let’s everyone agree now to skip all the 2016 year-in-review pieces and just tweet this picture while getting shitfaced drunk.


    • Painter of ThatMexicanThing

      It’s a date. Are we doing this just on New Year’s Eve or the entire week between Christmas and New Year’s?

      • Land Shark with a Vagenda

        Let’s just start now and be done with it.

      • theCryptofishist

        Depends on what we’re drinking.

      • tomamitai

        Stretch it out ’til Russian Christmas, at least!

    • yyyaz

      It’s the new yule log video.

  • Oblios_Cap

    Maybe Trump should just shut up.

    • Ghenghis McCann

      News just in; Trump shuts up, and Hell freezes over.

      • Kavefish

        “Wow… So global warming is just…. gone…”

        “And all he did was stop talking?”


  • Ezio

    So is anyone going to bring up the Melania Trump/Michelle Obama speech thing or should I?

  • Astraea

    Trump is mad becaues he practiced his empathy voice for a really long time and now he’s not getting any credit for it.

    • vivian

      Do you mean mad as in “mad cow” or mad as in “mad hatter”?

      • Painter of ThatMexicanThing

        Mad north-northwest. And all the other points on the compass as well.

      • Pinkham’s Law


  • Nounverb911

    In the meantime, Donnie is courting the soon to be dead, telling them to live until Nov 8th….

    • limberrat

      Honestly, if I am on my deathbed, I don’t think I really care about politics at that point.

      • theCryptofishist

        What, not going to vote for Donna Rose with your last breath?

        And you call yourself a Wonker.

        • limberrat

          Ok, fair enough. I’d vote for Donna Rose a million times over.

  • Bub the Leftwing Zombie

    I love the way Hillary is shit stomping Drumpf by twenty points in his home state. I suspect New Yorkers are looking forward to expressing their feelings about Donnie at the ballot box.

    • Nounverb911

      Doesn’t Donnie live in the State of Denial?

      • shastakoala

        The River of No Return.

    • theCryptofishist

      But, but, it’s her state, also, too.

      • Bub the Leftwing Zombie

        Not to Donald it isn’t. He thinks she’s a carpetbagger from Illinois.

        • theCryptofishist

          Are we sure he doesn’t think she’s from Arkansas?

          • Bub the Leftwing Zombie

            It wouldn’t surprise me. He’s stupid enough.

  • LifelongLurker

    I’m looking forward to the 2020 election cycle, when Mike Pence can tell a debate moderator with the straightest of faces, “I never said that Donald Trump didn’t say those things.”

    • Good_Trouble_Yall

      He’ll deny he was ever on Trumplethinskin’s ticket. He’s got plenty of time to really polish his lying skills.

      • Painter of ThatMexicanThing

        Hell, he’s already found a way justify being good Christian and breaking the commandment not to lie over and over and over.

        • Good_Trouble_Yall

          “It’s more of a suggestion, really.”

          • tomamitai

            The commandment merely says not to bear false witness against your neighbor. Only left wing commie muslin atheists interpret that as a rule against lying in general.

          • TeeRaak

            My name ain’t “Thou”…

    • beingreleased

      Pence/Ryan 2020: Two newcomers to presidential politics.

    • artem1s
  • yyyaz

    “Hundreds of millions” spent on 1 (one) little ad. I’m beginning to have doubts Lying McCheapskate could correctly define what a billion is.

    • Painter of ThatMexicanThing

      Explains why he thinks he’s worth “billions” of dollars.

      • Land Shark with a Vagenda

        Remember, he thinks this ” . . . . . . ” is 12 inches.

    • Jennaratrix

      Well. He knows he lost nearly a billion dollars one year. That should help him narrow it down.

    • artem1s

      well he did claim he brought out a billion new voters in the primaries. so yea, I think his grasp of numbers is pretty vague.

    • cat cafe

      He really does just talk like a 7 year old.

  • Villago Delenda Est

    I look forward to this going to court, and we get to see what the judge is wearing under the robes, because of all the rolling on the floor laughing.

  • JMP

    If you don’t want people quoting you saying really offensive bigoted shit, Donald, maybe you could just try not saying really offensive bigoted shit all the time.

    • Land Shark with a Vagenda


    • Good_Trouble_Yall

      Trumplethinskin, thinking: “Hmmm….I could just follow JMP’s advice – nah, fuck JMP, whatta sad loser, can’t even tell what sex he/she is! Probably Muslim, too.”

    • bubbuhh

      He don’t mind if we call Donald, right?

    • Ezio

      Trump supporter: I love Trump because he speaks his mind and tells it like it is.

      *Trump says something inflammatory or bigoted and doesn’t clarify what he means*


    • Villago Delenda Est

      Look, let’s stay within the realm of reasonable expectations, shall we?

  • baconzgood

    I so didn’t say that thing I said.

    • Vecchiojohn

      Me either!

    • Nounverb911

      Yes you did, I saw you type it!

      • Bub the Leftwing Zombie


  • baconzgood

    I hope he does sue. He’d get laughed out of court.

  • theCryptofishist

    “There’s nobody who loves the ___________ more…
    With the blank fillable by vets, blacks, mexicans, women, and who remembers whom all else. (Grammatical but awkward… Oh well.)

    He’s just a big ol’ bundle of love for mankind, isn’t he?

    • Ezio

      “I love everybody….just as long as they agree with me and believe I’ve got their best interests at heart. It’s because I’m a winner, and I only want winners supporting me.”

      • cat cafe

        “I love everybody… as long as they’re me” FIFY

  • Mr. Blobfish

    Sue the pants off me, big boy.

  • Bub the Leftwing Zombie

    “What the fuck do you mean, people are recording everything I say!? When the hell did THAT start?”

    • Villago Delenda Est

      Uh, Donald, I wasn’t aware that you were a big fan of Washington Irving stories…

  • Blackest Noobs

    Oh that courageous and brave soul of the Donald…willing to put it all out there and have it recorded to deny it and then demand he would sue for libel and slander…so brave to be so ignorant and soo sooo fucking stupid.

    and the really really fun part…A LOT of Trump supporter on the interwebs like Alex Jones have now resorted to the dumbest reason not to vote for Hillary…she is possessed by the Devil….only the dumbest of dumb religious people buy that mess…i mean like bottom of the fucking barrel…and yes they’re people Trump needs desperately to vote for him if only they register to vote…which they don’t do and are not doing, and Trump isn’t doing anything to support….it’s like he half-asses everything and thinks it’s perfection.

    • Villago Delenda Est

      A LOT of Trump supporter on the interwebs like Alex Jones have now
      resorted to the dumbest reason not to vote for Hillary…she is
      possessed by the Devil

      Always projection with these assholes. Always.

  • Jennaratrix

    As much as this campaign has been going on for what seems like eleventy kerjillion years, my mind is still boggled that THIS is what we’re dealing with. This… thing. This sad, pathetic excuse for a human being. This bloviating bafoon, this total garbage person. He’s the kind of asshole you shake your head at when he’s berating the check-out person at the grocery store for accidentally over-charging him 32 cents on bratwurst. The dick at the gas station who sprays gas all over himself and yells at the attendant for a faulty nozzle. The petty little man-baby who parks his shitty car across three parking spaces to make sure no one parks too close to him. The kind of guy who regularly runs red lights and yells at the person in front of him who had the audacity to slow down for a yellow. The kind of grinding annoyance that we all deal with, day in and day out, in our everyday lives, the kind of tiny little ignorant person whose very existence wears me out and makes me stay in my house some days because I just don’t want to deal with all of the exhausting little passive-aggressions. And he’s running for fucking president. We’re already a nation of a vocal minority of shitty little stupid people; the ones who shout the loudest and make us all look like a bunch of children; and they want to elect him their king.

    I can’t do it today.

  • lucidamente

    “Let’s sue them,” Trumpspeak for “I’m beaten and reduced to making empty threats.”

    • grindstone

      I suspect it’s more like the asshole in my neighborhood. I’ll sue you, and keep on suing you, until you run out of money to defend yourself, and I’ll win. I’m sure Trumplethinskin’s band of lawyers know just how to keep you tied in knots until you cry uncle.

  • Joshua Norton

    It probably sucks for Trump that the VERY BEST Hillary ads are simply his tattered orange face saying words.

    Those will REALLY be inconvenient on Nov. 9 when he claims he never, ever actually ran for president. But he can understand people thinking he did because of his inherent awesomeness.

    • Jenny, Manocidal Vagendiac

      Many of the best people wanted him to run, but he has nothing to gain….

    • Good_Trouble_Yall

      You just know that’s gonna be a part of his strategery. “It was a joke run. You think I’d have said all that stuff if I’d been serious?”

      • yyyaz

        Nah, calls for self-awareness not in evidence.

    • TJ Barke

      I don’t think he’ll outright deny running, but dollars to donuts he’ll pretend he didn’t run seriously.


      “And you know, that’s probably a good idea, running for President! Maybe 2020! Lots of people are saying it’s a good idea!”

  • Ray in VT

    How mean and unfair to use his words to show what he said.

    • TeeRaak

      At least Trump admitted his words were “all lies”. That’s a start…

  • Bub the Leftwing Zombie
  • bubbuhh

    One would think that Donald and his buddy, Little Pence, being Xians and all, would realize their three Gods are always listening and in their wisdom have made it possible for the entire world to listen and record their every little burp-fart.

    • tomamitai

      Is “Xians” Ginese for “Shawns”?

      • cat cafe

        I am very, very happy with your coinage of “Ginese.”

      • Biel_ze_Bubba

        Crispy Shawns in garlic sauce is my favorite Ginese dish.

  • RobKanC

    yeah. Such a insult driven campaign by Hillary and Kaine. They are using his insults and making ads. Sad.

    • TakingAmes

      Yes, they are driven by Donald’s insults. Sad. Weak.

  • Ryan Denniston

    “As CNN points out, he didn’t specify which ad, but his butt is probably still chapped”

    They make chapstick to fix that.

  • Astraea
    • Villago Delenda Est

      In 2020, Pence will deny he ever met Donald Drumpf.

      • tomamitai

        In 2020, Pence will deny he ever met Donald Drumpf.

        And then the Koch will crow three times.

    • AngryKatie

      God I want Trump to have a melt down over Pence’s lack of deference and kick him off the ticket.

      It wouldn’t make up for the rest of his campaign, but it would be a nice start.

    • limberrat

      Wow, so two vice presidential candidates have essentially thrown their candidates under the bus this week. This election is weiiiiird.

    • yyyaz

      The only way Peence could not have known Trump is if he was living in an alternate universe or is a reptilian overlord who just morphed into human form.

      • Astraea

        Have we ruled that out?

      • bubbuhh

        Well, you know….Indiana?

        • yyyaz

          Thanks a lot, I was trying to forget.

        • Mehmeisterjr

          Trump to Pence: From now on it’s pronounced Een-day-oon-ah.

          Pence: Yes, Sir! And you never said that, Mr. Trump

      • anna rampage

        I’d say both…

    • Thiazin Red

      He also said Trump should be himself at the next debate. Pence so wants him to lose.

    • therblig

      Pence has 2020 vision

    • feministing

      lol wow. the repubs are really getting every penny’s worth out of this dude

  • TeeRaak

    Uhhhh, I’m guessing Trump understands how video tape works WINK WINK

  • Ryan Denniston

    Donald, do you see now why God gave us dogwhistles? It’s to deny something you said, but believably!

    • Astraea

      Thank you, universe, for giving us Samantha Bee.

      • Astraea

        Also too, the adorable English girl Future Mrs. Astraea.

        • yyyaz

          Too bad me so old, I’d give you a run for her if I could.

        • cat cafe

          She was SO adorable! And so funny the way she led them into describing exactly what Trump is doing and acting really horrified.

          • Astraea

            Yeah, she was really good. The other lady is always great too. I need to learn their names.

        • Biel_ze_Bubba

          Amy Hoggart definitely has that Emma Watson thing going. Plus she’s hilariously quick at slicing and dicing these morons. Fun to watch, and a great find for Sam Bee.

      • Canada says you’re welcome!

    • AngryKatie

      This is why I drink. A lot.

    • andyshelt

      Just when you think you’ve scraped the bottom of the barrel with the stupidity of Orange Hitler’s supporters they open their mouths,engage their brain cell (singular!) and prove that you’re going to need a bigger barrel.

      • Bub the Leftwing Zombie

        A study needs to be done on this: what does the average Trump voter have FEWER of – brain cells or teeth?

        • cat cafe

          I really do seriously think many of them are mentally defective. It’s mind-numbing how corrosively stupid they are.

  • Allen Jordan

    Wait a minute! Isn’t the reason John Adams is considered a bad President is because of the Alien and Sedition Act? And wasn’t that basically the same things Trump wants?

    • beingreleased

      I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume Trump doesn’t know much about Presidential history.

      • Bub the Leftwing Zombie

        That limb looks pretty substantial from where I’m standing.

      • Blackest Noobs

        that’s no limb…you’re right on the money…bull’s eye!

      • Or biology. Or the French he never took because dirt furriners

  • Joe Beese

    Lawsuit to be filed as soon as he finishes the wall.

  • The Wanderer

    The truth is a positive defense to libel. Trump will simply end up looking embarrassed.

    • dshwa

      Objection! There’s no evidence that Trump can feel embarrassed

    • The only reason a judge might take the case is to laugh at Donnie boy in the court record

      • snigsy

        Even better if he has a Messicany surname.


    Truthiness is an absolute offense.

  • Crystalclear12

    This should have been covered in grade school, Donald, but since you weren’t listening:
    “No I didn’t” is not a defense. Even if you pout and stomp your feet when you say it.

    • cat cafe

      And try to assault a teacher badly enough that you get sent to military school, which doesn’t take.

    • jowgajen

      Nuh uh! Is too!

      • Crystalclear12

        Is not!

    • Bub the Leftwing Zombie


  • artem1s

    Donnie decides that outlawing satire is a pretty good idea and we should totally do that here in 3…2…1

    • cat cafe

      He’d have to know the word “satire” first.

      • Bub the Leftwing Zombie

        “Pffft! I know what satire is! Like when I suggested “2nd Amendment solutions be used against lying Hillary! That was satire! Or sarcasm…anyway, something like that. Started with “sa” anyhow.”

      • Blackest Noobs

        his league of attorneys are looking into it.

  • Jennaratrix

    “…who believe the failures of their own lives will be corrected for them by this Thanksgiving-Day-parade-balloon in a suit, who would and will sell them out at the first opportunity and bring all but a handful of them a new America that will make the one they are whining about now seem, in retrospect and even to them, like heaven upon the earth.”

    Now THIS guy knows how to rant. He makes my pathetic squawking sound like a baby crying about not getting a cookie.

  • Gễrắld Ẵzểnảrở

    Ug, that Nev-AD-a pronounciation is apparently the right one but it grates on my ears. Do people in NevADa also pronouce pajamas pa-JAM-as? If so I’m never going back there ever ever.

    • Courser

      I’m from Denver and we all pronounce Nev-AD-a and pa-Jam-as.

      • Gễrắld Ẵzểnảrở

        You probably pronounce Aunt like the insect too! After Hillary is elected there will proper re-education camps and we can clear this up once and for all.

      • Daisy

        California here, and same for us.

    • mardam422

      Oddly, they say po tah to in Ne VAAAA da.

    • Biel_ze_Bubba

      It’s reserved for use by the residents, same as in Organ.

      • Objectifer

        I call it Ore-a-gone. Gets the local riled up.

  • Duke

    If you quote my non-comment I’ll sue you!

  • alwayspunkindrublic

    “Let’s sue them. Right?” Remember when Republicans were just outraged, OUTraged about how frivolous lawsuits were destroying America?

    • AnnieGetYerFun

      That’s just when John Edwards was the lawyer.

      • alwayspunkindrublic

        Trump’s been involved in 4,000+ (and counting) lawsuits in 30 years. That’s about one every 3 days. Heroic.

    • clubseal

      To be fair, those were typically real lawsuits that conservatives made up lies about to rile up the base, for instance the infamous “hot coffee” suit, which actually was a very legitimate suit.

    • Darkest Timeline Zach Morris

      God, we have a JAY-pan and a KAY-ro in Missouri (itself a name with 2 disputed pronunciations).

      • John Smith

        We have a Keyser in WV, and the locals insist it’s pronounced Kizer. So now in going to get my car kis and go home.

        • Darkest Timeline Zach Morris

          Perfect. I’ll never understand the mispronounced city. It’s not like there isn’t a freaking Japan and Cairo already that say it correctly.

      • Last Hussar

        Dear colonials.
        Kansas – Arkansas
        Make yer bleeding minds up.

  • Biel_ze_Bubba

    “Those ads using my own words are full of lies!”

    He has a point there…

    • Stein Olsen

      Perhaps that is what he mean and we have gotten Trumpy all wrong,


    If you’re worried, I’m sure after you lose the Presidency, and are definitely not building your wall of dumbs anywhere, Judge Curiel would adjudicate your case fairly, Donald.

  • Stein Olsen

    – Yer Judge. I am suing crooked Hillary for slander.
    – It’s “your honour” mr. Trump, and we just saw the adds. That was your own words.
    – Crooked Judge. I am suing you to.
    – Hold on! Did you call me crooked?
    – I never said that.

    • Last Hussar

      Messican judge probly. No fair

  • Blackest Noobs

    don’t ever believe pricks with thin-skin
    but i saw a man in Reno
    just to watch him die (politically)

  • Deplorable Ron

    So the man who has no idea what the President’s powers are, who hasn’t a clue how legislation is created and implemented, also doesn’t know how libel/slander laws work.
    Sure didn’t see that coming.

  • AJ Milne

    ‘… I guess we’ll sue them. Let’s sue them. Right? Let’s sue them…’

    Is it just me, or is this guy somehow actually getting _more_ repetitive, week by week?

    I figure by election day he’s gonna sound like a shortish sample on infinite loop*: The media lies I won (chirp) The media lies I won (chirp) The media lies I won (chirp) The media lies I won…

    (*For olds like me, cf. skipping CD/LP.)

  • Objectifer

    Just wait til he loses and sues the electoral college.

    • AnnieGetYerFun

      “The Electoral College is a joke! It’s only a college! I ran a real university, which is more yooge than a college.”

  • whitroth

    Please, please, Benito, sue. Then Hill can countersue for, say, $10M from your campaign….

  • Taco Treg

    “So what we’ll do — I guess we’ll sue them. Let’s sue them. Right? Let’s sue them.”

    Please continue Mr. Trump.

    (Five Thirty Eight, Polls-plus forecast) Updated 2 hours ago.

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