Men are starved!
…for attention
…for intimacy
…for compliments
All of that comes from them – females. Of course it does when we are complacent to them, like little kids (to our mummies). If we aren’t, then we die out of starvation.
Our current society is mad.
The moment a woman see a camera (TV/phone/etc.) – she starts acting. To present herself in the best light. To produce the very best selfie ever with her greatest pose. So that she can advertise herself to other men “see, just do whatever I want and cherish me and all this- my body -will be yours. For a moment” and women “look, how great I am“.
But what is a camera, exactly?
Well, in a way it is an eye.
Whenever someone sees her – she acts.
She acts during the day. She acts during her work. She acts during sex. She acts when arguing. She acts when asking for a favor. She acts when she pretends she don’t know what to do out of laziness. She acts in front of a mirror, practices.
Those who read me for some time know that I like to mix a bit of philosophy into my digressions. This drawing reminds me of a cyclic nature of this universe. Who knows? Maybe in other universes it all works in a different way.
Maybe this graph is true and after all, we are closing into something bigger.
World War 3 followed by a major economic collapse? Who knows. But I hope we won’t need to experience this during our lifetime.
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