@RWTQuotes this is the same woman arrested for shoplifting.
- その他の返信を表示
@MaxSchnauzer2@RWTQuotes she's ridiculous
@RWTQuotes not too shocking that since Conway has come on board Pierson has been hidden under a rock. -
@LionelKitchy@RWTQuotes Yeah, Katrina's crazy was starting to overshadow Trump's crazy, and we all know how much he likes to WIN. -
@Prest4tym@RWTQuotes Conway is going to be fine because she's a gun for hire. She's also smart even if I think she should wear a scarlet T -
@LionelKitchy@RWTQuotes Oh, I agree. She's very intelligent and, therefore, very dangerous. She still can't keep Trump totally muzzled!
@RWTQuotes Gotta love how America is 'The Land Of The Free' :/ -
@RWTQuotes tbf I think it was "so what they're Muslim?" As in who cares theyre Muslim rather than "so what? They're Muslim!" -
@RWTQuotes@JuddApatow it's a good thing Pierson has a skill set (shoplifting) to fall back on after the election.#deplorable -
@RWTQuotes Why in the hell is she still being allowed to speak? Her mouth should have been stapled shut at birth. -
@RWTQuotes@earthandwater Why do cable shows still waste time interviewing this colossally ignorant, morally repugnant person, K. Pierson? - さらに表示
@RWTQuotes@JuddApatow Sinclair Lewis nailed it -
@RWTQuotes@WarrenCliisaac say whaaaaaaat????? -
@RWTQuotes@kumailn whoa! Did somebody really say "So what? They're Muslim!"??? That's straight out of a Hate Group Webinar -
@RWTQuotes She's still in the league? -
@RWTQuotes@linda_wed1 Wow, just wow... -
There she is “
@RWTQuotes: Donald Trump's spokeswoman Katrina Pierson on Muslim ban: “So What? They’re Muslim!” pic.twitter.com/Ajzx2AmqAJ” -
@RWTQuotes I question the judgement of someone that surrogates for the worst presidential candidate in US history.