全 9 件のコメント

[–]AliceOxalisTERF-RPW [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Nah, they graduate to their lives revolving around children once they have kids. All that other stuff takes the back burner.

[–]SetConsumesR[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Nah, they graduate to their lives revolving around children once they have kids. All that other stuff takes the back burner.

I specifically didn't mention children. Yes women focus a lot on their children once they have one.

Children create an ever lasting bond with a man are also a great source of control and attachment to a man.

Most men are not ruthless enough to abandon the child completely, so they will provide resources to the woman to take care of the child. Women know if they have a child with a man, she has her claws deep within him, and he'll likely never be free of her, especially not before the child becomes an adult.

And, if the man wants to defy his woman, she had immense leverage because of the father not wanting to raise a child without a mother, as well as his attachment to the child should she threaten to leave with the child, or even harm it.

[–]AliceOxalisTERF-RPW [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Children are the ends and men are the means

[–]sofcknwrong [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

CMV: RP men think everything women do is aimed at attracting men, because everything RP men do is aimed at attracting women.

[–]SetConsumesR[S] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

CMV: RP men think everything women do is aimed at attracting men, because everything RP men do is aimed at attracting women.

How does talking politics with my friend help me get women? How does talking about religions help me get women? How does talking about cars help me get women?

[–]AutoModeratorPurple Pill Machine...literally[M] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)


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[–]COPCO2False Dichotomy [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Women will never have interests about worldy things the way men do because of our inherently different drives and motivations. Nothing matters more to most women than having a man under their grasp that's willing to provide, and if needed, die for them.

TLDR Nearly everything women talk about or care about or have interest in revolves around seducing and catching and keeping a man, namely they talk about relationships, beauty, fashion, food, sex, and men.

So how do feminists play into this? I don't see how demanding the right to pay attention to other things and equal treatment can live alongside this one-dimensional caricature of women.

Also, I know some women who are at the top of their fields with PhD's who would question your sanity if they read this. Some of them are single, some are married.

[–]sociallydeclinedBlue (Da Ba Dee) [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

That's a self-centered sentiment to think that women revolve their lives around men.

Only part of what women do is definitely to attract men just like only part of what men do is to attract women. The desire to procreate is innate. I could say the same thing that you just said about men with relevance to appearance and career choices.

You really think I wear shimmery brown expensive eyeshadow or cute pajamas that no one ever sees because of you? You really think I got a job and strive to make more than a future SO because of you? Get out of your own head.