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Chris KellyVerified account


Writer/Director of Other People, Co-Head Writer of Saturday Night Live.
Joined March 2009

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    Chris Kelly Verified account @imchriskelly · Aug 7
    How bout instead of an “I Voted” sticker, everyone who votes Trump gets to wear a scarlet T for the rest of their lives?
    380 retweets 1,543 likes
      1. @imchriskelly idk "forcing people we don't like to wear markers on their clothing" seems like more of a trump move than trump opponent move
        1 retweet 3 likes
      2. @mtsw @imchriskelly You finally realized which side is the "Nazi" side. And it's not Trump's.
        0 retweets 8 likes
      3. Show more
    1. @imchriskelly and how about people who vote for H-Money gets a free MRI to see how brain damaged they really are. 👍
      0 retweets 5 likes
    2. .@imchriskelly How about we boycott SNL? Not that SNL is unaccustomed to terrible viewership
      0 retweets 4 likes
    3. @imchriskelly Now if only you can stick to comedy and not propaganda. Make fun of both I don't care, but at least be funny.
      0 retweets 4 likes
    4. @imchriskelly a swastika is easier. A lot of them already have one in their closet, so no need to make extra.
      0 retweets 3 likes
    5. @imchriskelly Do you realize that this kind of attitude is the reason that you will lose the election? This is so similar to Maria Antuanete
      1 retweet 2 likes
    6. @imchriskelly @MsDarcyFarrow Or an "I F**ked UP" sticker.
      1 retweet 0 likes
    7. @imchriskelly @UpperLeftUS ...tattooed...on their face.
      0 retweets 1 like
    8. @imchriskelly Two wrongs don't make a right you Nazi.
      0 retweets 1 like
    9. Favstar Bot  😍 Retweeted Chris Kelly
      Favstar Bot  😍 added,
      Chris Kelly @imchriskelly
      How bout instead of an “I Voted” sticker, everyone who votes Trump gets to wear a scarlet T for the rest of their lives?
      0 retweets 0 likes
    10. @imchriskelly -- Tattoo it on their arm & throw them in a internment camp like FDR did. It was hi-lar-i-ous like your joke. ~ @ZacfanAmy
      0 retweets 0 likes
    11. Favstar Bot  😍 Retweeted Chris Kelly
      Favstar Bot  😍 added,
      Chris Kelly @imchriskelly
      How bout instead of an “I Voted” sticker, everyone who votes Trump gets to wear a scarlet T for the rest of their lives?
      0 retweets 0 likes
    12. Favstar Bot  😍 Retweeted Chris Kelly
      Favstar Bot  😍 added,
      Chris Kelly @imchriskelly
      How bout instead of an “I Voted” sticker, everyone who votes Trump gets to wear a scarlet T for the rest of their lives?
      0 retweets 0 likes
    13. .@imchriskelly are you saying that you lack "T"? That's not good. Low testosterone and high estrogen can lead to serious prostate issues
      0 retweets 0 likes
    14. @imchriskelly NAZI much Chris?
      0 retweets 0 likes
    15. @imchriskelly I am contacting your boss. I don't care if you are Jew or not. This is not appropriate.
      0 retweets 0 likes
    16. @imchriskelly  This is exactly the same thing Hitler did to Jews. Thanks for proving the world you are antisemetic
      0 retweets 0 likes

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