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John Guandolo: Muslims Working In Hotels, Buying Gas Stations To Prepare 'For A Jihad'
Disgraced FBI agent turned anti-Muslim activist John Guandolo joined VCY America’s “Crosstalk” program last week, where he warned that Muslim Americans are taking jobs in hotels and buying convenience stores and gas stations in order to lay the groundwork for “a jihad here in the United States.”
“At least a manager or assistant manager in the largest hotels in the biggest cities in America are in fact Muslim,” Guandolo told the program’s host, Jim Schneider. “And I just ask the question, what do we think that’s about? Because the statistical probability of that being true is zero, so that means it must be an intentional thing.”
“We look up in cities and states from Mississippi to California to Texas to New York and North Carolina and Kansas and places like that, including Oklahoma,” he added, “we’ve got Muslims buying up Quik Marts and fuel stations like 7-Elevens that have an adjacent gas station to it. What’s that about? Is that just random? Is that just all of a sudden the Muslim community decided to buy those places up? Or are they actually doing what they know that they say they’re going to do based on internal documents that have already been entered by the Department of Justice in the largest terrorism trial in American history, which is that they’re preparing for a jihad here in the United States?
“And when you look at it from a military standpoint, from an intelligence collection, intelligence preparation of a battlefield, from a logistical standpoint, preparation of a battlefield, and from a physical weapons training and all of that preparation,” he said, “they’re doing all of it, and we have evidence they’re doing all of it.”
Guandolo went into more detail on this theory in a recent column.
Later in the program, Guandolo argued that the fact that a majority of Syrian refugees resettling in the United States are Muslim shows that President Obama “is intentionally helping our enemies prepare for war here” and “we’re going to deserve what we get.”
“From the Islamic perspective,” he said, “these folks are not refugees, they’re Mujahirun, they’re people coming with a specific purpose of settling here in the United States until it’s time. And part of their settlement, just the process of settlement is a civilization jihadist process.”
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