Electrode is a platform for building universal React/Node.js applications with standardized structure, best practices, and modern technologies baked in. Electrode focuses on performance, component reusability, and simple deployment to multiple cloud providers—so you can focus on what makes your app unique.

Electrode is a platform for building universal React/Node.js applications with standardized structure, best practices, and modern technologies baked in.


$ sudo npm install -g yo gulp generator-electrode

$ mkdir my-electrode-app

$ cd my-electrode-app

$ yo electrode

$ gulp dev

That's it! Next, deploy, your app to your favorite cloud service.

Electrode emphasizes convention over configuration, while focusing on performance, component reusability, and simple deployment

Get new projects started quickly with a simple, consistent structure that follows modern best practices. Electrode Core allows you to build a flexible scaffold in minutes, with support for server-side rendering and easy deployment to multiple cloud providers.

The heart of the platform is Electrode Archetypes, which allow for standardized configurations and structure of the app and its associated react components. By enforcing a sensible structure and consistency for components, modules and the entire app, Electrode’s Archetype system helps you build scalable applications you can trust while ensuring streamlined

SSR Profiling & Caching
This module can help you improve your React server-side rendering performance by up to 70% by caching your components' render
Above-the-Fold Rendering
Instead of side rendering the whole page on the server, this react component enables rendering of *only* the components your users see on the screen without scrolling, for improved performance.
Redux Router Engine
Do you need data from a service to render your component server-side? This module fetches the data asynchronously and passes it to React to render your components. Requires Redux.
Lets you define, extend, and merge configurations for different environments (such as QA, prod, and staging) that get initialized during start up or at runtime.
Stateless CSRF Validation
Validate HTTP requests without a session--for Express and Hapi.
More Modules Coming Soon!
New module release announcements will be Tweeted on @electrode_io
Discover reusable components and optimize your JS bundle with standalone tools. These tools can be used with any React/Node app, but work best with the structure provided by Electrode Core.


Build a simple, flexible scaffold in minutes, with support for server-side rendering and easy deployment to multiple cloud providers. Electrode lets you focus on code, not configuration.


Level up your app with features like above-the-fold rendering, server-side render caching, and stateless CSRF validation. Modules work with your existing React/Node app--no need to migrate to Electrode Core.


Discover reusable components and optimize your JS bundle with standalone tools. These tools can be used with any React/Node app, but work best with the structure provided by Electrode Core.

electrode core

Electrode emphasizes convention overconfiguration, following industry best practices for performance, consistency, and reusability.

Get new projects started quickly with a simple, consistent structure that follows modern best practices. Electrode Core allows you to build a flexible scaffold in minutes, with support for server-side rendering and easy deployment to multiple cloud providers.
The heart of the platform is Electrode Archetypes, which allow for standardized configurations and structure of the app and its associated react components. By enforcing a sensible structure and consistency for components, modules and the entire app, Electrode’s Archetype system helps you build scalable applications you can trust while ensuring streamlined development and deployment.


$ sudo npm install -g yo gulp generator-electrode

$ mkdir my-electrode-app

$ cd my-electrode-app

$ yo electrode

$ gulp dev

That's it! Next, deploy, your app to your favorite cloud service.

electrode modules

Supercharge your app, with or without Electrode Core

Above-the-Fold Rendering

Instead of side rendering the whole page on the server, this react component enables rendering of *only* the components your users see on the screen without scrolling, for improved performance.
Redux Router Engine

Do you need data from a service to render your component server-side? This module fetches the data asynchronously and passes it to React to render your components. Requires Redux.

Lets you define, extend, and merge configurations for different environments (such as QA, prod, and staging) that get initialized during start up or at runtime.
SSR Profiling & Caching

This module can help you improve your React server-side rendering performance by up to 70% by caching your components' render
Stateless CSRF Validation

Validate HTTP requests without a session--for Express and Hapi.
More Modules Coming Soon!

New module release announcements will be Tweeted on @electrode_io

electrode tools

Optimize your app with standalone tools