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submitted by MemberNoWhitePeoplewhites are literal garbage
all 5 comments
[–]MemberNoWhitePeoplewhites are literal garbage[S] -2 points-3 points-4 points  (0 children)
And they removed every comment defending the kulaks. Genocide is okay when our side does it amiright?
[–]Aza-Sothoth/╲/\╭(◕◕ ෴ ◕◕)╮/\╱\ so salti -1 point-2 points-3 points  (1 child)
Isn't that the sub that has all it's users banned from almost every other commie/anarchist subreddit?
[–]OllieGarkey -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
I just checked, and oh holy shit have I missed some Drama since the last time I checked in. It used to be just /r/shitleftistssay, which I thought was worse, personally. I don't really participate in either sub.
Tankies just goes after people who praise dictators, like stalin. It's a cousin of /r/ShitWehraboosSay. Where I do participate, because fuck Nazis and Nazi apologists.
Except literally don't.
[–]SRScreenshot ~Automated Poopologist v0.1~wow -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
On countering liberalism: "Forgive Stalin." [+590]

At 2016-10-02 18:12:21 UTC, LiterallyAGoogolplex replied to "The unadulterated liberalism found on Facebook is too much." [+583 points: +583, -0]:
Read daily
Marxist lit
Set goals
Overthrow capitalism
My comrades
Embrace change
Towards communism
Talk about ideas
Such as communism
Continuously learn
The revolutionary science of Marxism
Take responsibility for their failures
Why am I not a millionaire yet?
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