You guys were awesome, this discussion is the best I could have hoped for after posting this.
metrodude, JackZero, Eddie Fews - what you're saying is so true, pretty much was my intention, just be genuine. I do really well with that, get away with a lot.
JackZero, yeah chi31fan35's line is corny but the shit guys get away with by having the right vibe... myself including... constantly amazes me. Who's to say there aren't guys out there with styles of humour that corny lines work really well with?
Funnily enough I think sometimes I feel like knowing these lines gives me "ammo" to fall back on and somehow keeps me inspired ... even though I actually never use "lines" like that

But yeah JackZero - I totally agree, "men try too hard to be interesting and forget to be normal", being really genuine is what a lot of this is about, most guys freeze up, not sure what to say "omg it's a girl!" like they have to treat her differently, and this is all about working back down, cutting through that crap and just being direct. Being a man.
chi31fan35 you had a question there, probably worth starting a new thread on it, I'd be happy to give advice. I'm really good with the "inner game" stuff as they call it, funnily enough I was mainly curious to see what "lines" people would come up with for a situation like this. It was really good to see everyone pretty much agrees with my main approach - just be genuine and real friendly. I come from a place of understanding - yeah this is out of the ordinary, I acknowledge that, but trust me, this is worth it! That's how I might sum up the vibe if I had to put it in words. Depends on the situation.
metrodude, the stuff about snatching the phone - yeah I know what you mean, there's guys for whom their cheeky vibe would go really well with that stuff. Me I find the genuine approach works really well. Must be to with how I look, people always expect me to be real down to earth (and I am).