全 21 件のコメント

[–]rubusidaeus 24ポイント25ポイント  (1子コメント)

I think everyone needs to stop conflating estrogen created in the body to synthetic estrogen created by drug manufacturers to start.

When women take synthetic estrogen they also have side effects, mood changes, etc. etc. When men take synthetic estrogen, they claim to know what women feel like. No. It is not equivalent.

I would be open to reading a theory about synthetic estrogens and sex dysphoria, but I think this is all a lot more complicated than we are inclined to think.

dont have to force my gender ( well not nearly as much )

Isn't taking drugs kind of the definition of forcing/changing things?

I just feel normal like everythings in its right place for once.

What happens if you lose access to your drugs, or your body can't tolerate them anymore? This is really what I worry about most with transgender people, that they are being set up for an even more profound identity crisis.

And when people suggest that trans people are delusional, it irks us to no end because of how complicated it is to express ourselves to every person who is still clueless.

This sounds very frustrating. But I can't pretend to believe the treatment they're receiving is in their long-term best interest.

My brain is very pleased with the hormone, the breasts, the soft skin, the way i socialize now, the fact that other women empathize with me and that other people see my body and see a female.

This loses me entirely. How do you know what pleases your brain? Like if I stopped having migraines I would assume something pleased my brain, but it has never communicated feelings about my skin texture. I wish my brain did send such direct transmissions; maybe it could just explain what's going on up there and I wouldn't have to see a neurologist.

And "the fact that other women empathize with me" is concerning. Why didn't they empathize with you before? Why do they empathize with you now? Because they have sympathy for your story, or are tricked into believing you are biologically female? How is "the way I socialize" related to estrogen?

[–]ouchmurdermittenssCat In Sodacancarton 18ポイント19ポイント  (0子コメント)

I read the last bit as "women don't dare say what they're really thinking to him".

[–]FakestFeministAFAB female-presenting non-op nonbinary trans man 21ポイント22ポイント  (6子コメント)

Look, personally, no trans person needs to justify their use of artificial hormones to me. What does need justification:

  • This "pink/blue brain" pseudoscience that relies on a total lack of understanding of brain plasticity and props up sexist systems with shrugged shoulders and, "well, [men/women] are just made that way!"
  • Transing children when they're GNC, instead of just letting them be GNC children
  • Male people forcing their way into private female spaces, feeling entitled to sex with lesbians, etc.
  • When MTF trans people write shit like this, and believe seriously that they have a credible voice "as a woman". Female and male socialization is a thing, no kiddin'.
  • Trans activists sending rape and death threats to feminists they disagree with, or getting them no-platformed so people can't hear their viewpoints. Then turning around with zero irony to accuse us of committing "literal violence" and "silencing them" for saying, "I hear you, but you're still a male person."

I don't think it is healthy to try to take hormones and have plastic surgery, but there's a whole lot of other things people do that I don't think is healthy, and at the end of the day, that's not my business. I'm not going to chase you down for a personal explanation any more than I would chase down anyone else who chooses to do extreme things to their body.

I bet you 99% of people in this sub didn't give a shit until they ran into one of those bullet points. It's not about the hormones bro.

[–]roygbivsunrise 16ポイント17ポイント  (2子コメント)

That Paris Lees article is barf-worthy.

"I have friends who say they feel powerless and objectified when being catcalled. I think they made a choice about how it makes them feel, and I choose to feel empowered."

So choice empowerment applies to everything!

[–]eartippingdon't trans me bro 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

That view couldn't be any more male if it tried.

Hey ladies, the problem isn't entitled pushy men forcing themselves on you, the problem is you not enjoying it!

Kindly fuck directly off with that nonsense, sir.

[–]LethophobicClit Goblin 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Isn't Paris the man who likes having strangers squeeze his funbags on public transit because it makes him feel so sexxay?

[–]vulvapeopleI am Terficus 7ポイント8ポイント  (2子コメント)

The biggest thing that needs justification is that M2Ts are "real women". Just about everything else objectionable about trans ideology flows from this, especially the execrable cotton ceiling.

They aren't real women. At best they're fake women. And that's okay. But accepting that they're fake is the first step in their leaving real women the fuck alone.

[–]FakestFeministAFAB female-presenting non-op nonbinary trans man 13ポイント14ポイント  (1子コメント)

100%. When I first ran into trans activism, the party line seemed to be, "OK so I'm not female and I was raised a boy, but I now live in the social role of a woman". And as a rule-of-thumb thing that seemed fine. I didn't understand it and their concept of "a woman" seemed kind of nebulous, but their range of gender role performances didn't seem any more out-of-place to me than how most women performed gender. And when they lived socially as a woman, they meant they actually lived socially as a woman. E.g. not flashing male junk around in a locker room and then acting offended that this is upsetting to women, not thoughtlessly acting out male socialized behaviors whenever they had a disagreement with a woman, etc. I figured transness was a defense mechanism made necessary by happening to be on the "wrong end" of the spectrum of constructed femininity/masculinity. As gender went away, so would transgenderism, but this was a way for some people to live their lives more comfortably until that happened. Maybe this was a distorted view since I was only running into trans people in feminist spaces back then, but I was fine with this concept of what a trans woman is.

But this new thing of denying there are any relevant differences between male and female biology, and denying that there are any relevant differences between how male and female children are socialized, is inherently anti-feminist and anti-woman. It's saying that everything that happens to us ~as a class~ because of biology and childhood socialization is either nonexistent, or happens to us because we "identified in". It's not something done to us but something we did to ourselves. It is infuriating.

[–]land-under-waveNot anti-trans, just pro-woman 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

I could have written this exact comment. I was on board until a certain subset of trans women decided to basically gaslight women, telling us that everything we thought was misogyny was actually not and everything we had spent decades learning about the origins and function of patriarchy was wrong, all because some assholes couldn't bear being told they were different from "cis" women in any way, or that they wouldn't be allowed in some spaces.

[–]lesriots 31ポイント32ポイント  (1子コメント)

Yeah, dude, you feel amazing because estrogen in males has been shown to exhibit antidepressive effects. This isn't your brain on intrinsic womanness it's been yearning for, it's your brain on ersatz Xanax.

It's nice that he empathises with women, but that doesn't make him one.

[–]ouchmurdermittenssCat In Sodacancarton 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

ersatz Xanax

I like it.

[–]nofreenamesleft 26ポイント27ポイント  (0子コメント)

This could suggest that our brains are preprogrammed with receptors for specific hormone types.

Bad science alert. Even if he had female hormone receptors, they would have got destroyed by the body because they weren't used enough. Simple brain plasticity.

[–]OldOilFish 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm not sure. I look in the mirror and see boobs and glasses that I've never liked and don't feel are me... but really they're merely a luck of the aesthetic draw, and not something that I let control my life.

Unless I'm depressed and short on sleep, of course. Then all the molehills become mountains.

[–]ouchmurdermittenssCat In Sodacancarton 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

But given how miniscue the "trans" population is even with all the AGPs and brainwashed kids, it's not that sizeable. It's a tiny percentage of 0.03 of the population. That's an awful lot of people eating the same food and not taking on these lunatic notions.

[–]RockabillyBuzzbyWhen a woman gives her opinion she's a 'bitch' 11ポイント12ポイント  (0子コメント)

To me he sounds nice enough but totally AGP, what am I not seeing that you are?

[–]eartippingdon't trans me bro 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

A lot of us trans people would describe first puberty as incomplete or lacking. We often never completely developed these concepts.

Meanwhile, every cis person I know can't express just how lovely, awesome, and complete their experience with puberty was. /s

Developing into a whole, adult human being isn't a switch that magically turns on at 13 or whatever. That's not something exclusive to trans*. But hey, tell yourself whatever you need to in order to get through the day, buddy.

[–]sparkletan 16ポイント17ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think it's social contagion. Troubled teens already feeling like they don't belong, starting puberty and feeling like their body isn't right and is changing in ways they didn't choose and can't control - lord knows I felt this way. So you take these already fragile young minds, and they discover this community that tells them there's a way to magically fix everything.

Who hasn't wished they could be someone else, when their own life seems out of control? I know I have. So they go online, read about the symptoms of "gender dysphoria" and confirmation bias!

You feel badly, no one understands you, you're ignored by the world....suddenly, you get to pick a new identity, and it comes with a ready made community that automatically loves and accepts you, and suddenly people are paying attention to you. Maybe it's negative attention, but your friends in your community are there for you. You suddenly belong.

There's a euphoria that comes along with the idea that everything is going to change. You know that it's going to be tough, but you're a soldier, and now you have something to fight for and something that means something and you matter. People want to take care of you. You used to be invisible, and now you're a tough fighter.

[–]butyoucanteditfeminist police force 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

The whole "girl" thing makes me feel more and more nauseated each time I encounter it...

[–]land-under-waveNot anti-trans, just pro-woman 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

So how about the role played by our utterly poisoned environment? This whole thing coincides beautifully with the advent of pumping meat full of hormones...even vegetarian mothers would be affected since it ends up in the water too and therefore in the plants.

There's more estrogen in tofu than hormone-ized beef. If we're going to assign blame to the food supply, it's more likely that the rise in vegetarianism is to blame. (For the record I don't think it's either; the situation is way too complex to have a single explanation)

Ok, taking this at face value and it seems sincere enough, then here is something that's going unconsidered

I wouldn't take it at face value. It's only one individual, they're self-reporting, and they're claiming things they can't possibly be sure of, like what's happening in their brain when they take estrogen. Unless they've had some major medical workups, they're pulling this theory about receptors out of thin air. Before we start theorizing about why x happens we should make sure x really is happening.