I am married, mostly for access to things like cheaper insurance, loans etc.
We have a pre-nup, separate accounts, bills are paid 50/50, she has insurance through me but only because it's better than the insurance she gets and she pays back for what I have to pay in for her.
Car loans are in separate names, house loan is 50/50 and written agreement that if we separate that whoever gets/wants the house has to pay the other person back the amount of money paid in(which is tracked)
We have an open sex life and while we do have some say in who the other brings home for obvious reasons we're both free to do as we please. We have sex frequently and all our kinks line up pretty perfectly.
I handle fixing things and mowing the lawn, she cooks and cleans.
Our weekend activities jive pretty well, as do our personalities so we spend a lot of time together on weekends hiking, kayaking, biking, etc
We plan to eventually have kids as we both want them but have agreed no kids until we have a butt load of cash saved up.
We will, if/when we have kids sit down and discuss the plan for kids if we split and get it in writing.
Just recently found the sub and feel pretty close to all the opinions here but curious how you guys feel, can a guy gtow and be in a mutually beneficial marriage where the woman values her ability to ghow as much as the guy does?
[–]Knxguymgy 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]Beefy79 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]Below_Average_Artist 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)