Wow, every player in my Monday Night Game Group (except failing Gary) says I'm the best Dungeon Master! Nice!
#IWillGiveThemTheirXPNow#DnD -
I rolled a natural 20! 7 and a half, to be semi-exact!
#debates#DnDpic.twitter.com/cHRUiyXwaZ -
I sort of hope the party gets killed because then players like me can go in & get their treasure. That’s called role-playing, by the way.
I ran a quest & really got great credit for it. No discrimination against Elven Bards, against Half-Orc Clerics, against any character.
#DnDpic.twitter.com/h2marNfbTB -
Maybe I didn't give him his experience points because he didn't do a good job clearing the dungeon and I didn't like his character.
#debates -
He is so good with these Shadowruns, it's unbelievable. The rules aspect of cyber is very, very tough & maybe it's hardly do-able.
#debatespic.twitter.com/AeodPUU3ih -
She doesn’t have the Stamina, I mean, the Constitution. You have to fight bugbears. I don’t believe Hillary has the Constitution.
#debates -
New Gaming Poll Released! Thank you! Join the CAMPAIGN!
#MakeDnDGreatAgain#DnDpic.twitter.com/KgVUV5VIxM -
You know, it doesn't really matter what character class women play as long as they describe themselves as young and beautiful piece of ass.pic.twitter.com/sbQx4pequ4
What changed that made me say Obama rolled a natural 20? Well, I just wanted to get on with the campaign. I want to talk about the dungeon.
The other thing I predicted is traps in dungeons. Another player said 'Forget that, you're the first guy that really predicted those traps.'pic.twitter.com/Dfx2yz7a7k
Our gaming communities are in the worst shape they've ever been... Ever. Ever. Ever.pic.twitter.com/l3asX0fl82
Do people notice Hillary is copying my campaign ideas- she puts both dungeons AND dragons in them like I have been doing from the beginning.
"This image says it all. Let's end the Lawful Good agenda that doesn't put players first.
#trump2016#DnD#Skittles"pic.twitter.com/jThkcdEx6h -
Once again a player we were told is ok turns out to be a troll who wants to destroy our campaign & characters- how did he get to our table?
Under the DMing of Obama & Clinton, players have experienced more defeats than victories in dungeons. Time to change the Player's Handbook!
My lawyers want to sue failing
@Wizards_DnD badly for irresponsible world building. I said no (for now). Disgusting.pic.twitter.com/CdL7zm3J2J -
Dungeons And Donaldsさんがフォローしました: cursed imagesさん、Jim GaffiganさんとDonald Trumpさん。
Male Model. My first wife is
@jeanniegaffigan. Touring this Fall Bos, Cbus, London, Toronto, SLC & PHX
I'll tell you what I think Obama rolled at the right time. I just don't want to tell you yet.pic.twitter.com/FJRPoyDQeb
I was never fan of Colin Powell after his weak understanding of Battletech rules = disaster. We can do much better!pic.twitter.com/yZ8qbdEB4K