全 11 件のコメント

[–]Internet_GhostQuality Contributor 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

The first thing you need to do is to update your mailing address with all of the places you receive medical treatment from.

[–]sadtoad[S] -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I did but this happened before that. I was near death a few months ago and didn't get around to it in time and am paying for it now.

called hospital and they said they had the right address on file for a year actually just that the billing agency didn't

[–]swalsh411Quality Contributor 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

Yes it will likely affect your credit. Why are you using their address at all for anything? You can file a complaint with the postal inspector.

[–]sadtoad[S] -5ポイント-4ポイント  (0子コメント)

I guess I forgot to get it changed everywhere. The hospital sent the bill to a billing partner and perhaps they still had my old address. I just checked and that's what happened.

I'm just coming to terms with how bad my parents are lately. I didn't think they would stoop so low as to toss my medical bill warnings and collections letters.

I thought the reason they were stealing my bank statements was to spy on me because I no longer talked to them unless necessary. I didn't think they would ever do this.

Thanks for advice

[–]s-dubya 2ポイント3ポイント  (5子コメント)

Get all your mail updated to the correct address? There's no magic bullet here.

[–]sadtoad[S] -2ポイント-1ポイント  (1子コメント)

The address is correct now and has been for a few months. This happened before. Thank though

edit: billing partner had old address but hospital had updated one. billing partner removed bill from my record seeing as I was never supposed to be billed but I didn't know if it would still affect my credit.

[–]sadtoad[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Why so many down votes? I am doing all I can now. if I could turn back time and update my information at every place I would have. I am sorry. The hospital billing was correct but the billing agency is separate they sent it to had the old address. when I wasnt informed and my letters were destroyed it was then sent to collections

[–]sadtoad[S] -3ポイント-2ポイント  (2子コメント)

I don't know what you mean by magic bullet. I found out my mailing adress was updated but the billing service the hospital sent it to sent it to my old address. if I somehow could stop my parents from destroying any mail to accidently be sent to their address in my name that would be helpful to me.

I thought the mail theft, punched in the face, being spat on, having over $2000 stolen by my parents, and numerous other things belonged in legal advice with my post but I guess I was wrong to include too much personal info. The lack of response to these things was distressing so I deleted my post here.

[–]Septothorpe 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

I thought the mail theft, punched in the face, having my facial bones shattered, being spat on, having over $2000 stolen by my parents, and numerous other things belonged in legal advice with my post but I guess I was wrong to include too much personal info. The lack of response to these things was distressing so I deleted my post here.

None of that is relevant to the question. It's on you to make sure that your bills (in general) are paid, even if they're mailed to an incorrect address. Nothing prevented you from contacting your insurance / billing partners / etc to find out what you owed from the hospital bill. This is independent of filing a change of address.

It's still your responsibility to pay / get straightened out with your insurance company even if the biller is incompetent or people are mean to you.

With that being said, did you try contacting the hospital / billing partner to explain your situation and settle? Or did you present the bill to your insurance company asking what's up?

[–]sadtoad[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Excuse me, I did contact the billing partner this year (twice)to clear two other bills that were wrongly sent to them. I asked if I had any other outstanding bills and they told me no both times. Only the most recent time did the person ask me for my social security and check to discover this large bill sent to collection. I guess the other two times the people didn't even really check for me. they just said no, it's fine without running for my ss like the last person. I didn't know they had to run my ss# to find outstanding bills until this. I thought simply asking them, that they would tell me the truth. I don't see how I could be more responsible. I would have given them this at any time if they asked me. if they would have ACTUALY checked like the last two times they said they did then I would have been made aware of the bill before it was sent to collections.

I couldn't check online because their website only a spot for a bill invoice #. I checked the two bills I was aware of and they were cleared. You have to call in to check your account balance. I became aware of this last bill being in collections by neuroticly asking the billing partner for the third time this year if they could double check for outstanding bills. the last person actually checked for me by running my ss and I then became aware of it. I have learned to be more neurotic now. lol

[–]QueenElizatits[🍰] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

So you left this part out of your story here for some reason but this is what you said:

All I asked of them when I went NC was to destroy my mail

So your parents did exactly what you told them to do so no, of course you do not get them sent to jail for that. What is wrong with you?