全 5 件のコメント

[–]winterfjell 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Dublin is a pretty standard cosmopolitan multicultural European city, most European capitals are these days. Projections are that Ireland will be majority Chinese this century. Also I think the idea of "my place is shitty so I'm coming to yours" is pretty weak, even for white Europeans. Poles may be white but they have changed parts of the UK for the worse. Not that I blame them entirely, the fault is on the policies allowing immigration too numerous and too rapidly without assimilation. Maybe the Anglosphere cultures are a little closer but I think the argument of introducing 10 million Syrians into Norway and asking what country it is now would apply to 10 million Americans moving to Ireland. The longterm results wouldn't be as dire and drastic in term of a functional society but the host culture would wilt under that pressure and something unique will be lost over time.

Interested how other Europeans feel about this?

[–]fionnofearghail 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Why not form an Irish community in the US? I'm for it.

[–]LisbonTreaty 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's getting close to 20% migrant background in Ireland. 1 in 4 kids are born to foreign mothers. 50% on the housing list in Dublin are foreign.

A majority of the foreigners are Eastern European but 50,000 Muslims are here at the last census. A lot of Africans (can't remember off the top of my head). Some came through the asylum system, others by birth right because for a few years, you could claim citizenship by having a child born here but the whole world started taken advantage of that so the Irish voted to stop it.

Chinese is the third largest language behind Polish and English. Irish is 4th. A lot of Brazilians, Filipinos here. They use various rackets to get in.

Dublin is where most immigrants live but there are large communities in every large city - not as many in the smaller towns though the government likes to spread them around. They have shown no desire to stop mass immigration. 70,000 were granted citizenship in the last few years. House prices are un-affordable, unemployment is bad and wages are shit.

[–]Fascist1488 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I heard Dublin is a shithole. Not sure about the rest. Why don't you stay though? We are inevitably going to move closer together as Whites as certain areas become less White. Montana, Idaho etc.

[–]AsGoodAsSpecter 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Why not move to Hungary, the white people Savior country these days?


No Googles

Two right wing nationalist parties who put white people first