全 3 件のコメント

[–]PM_YOUR_TRIGGERS 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

All emotions, including anger, serve a purpose. Righteous anger against those who have fucked you over (man or woman) is a great thing. It can be a driving force in your life. It can help you get out of a bad situation and/or get into a good one. At the same time, for ones own good, IMO its good to get over hate and anger in the long term. Living an entire life with bitterness and anger is not a healthy way to live. But definitely, anger, venting frustration, sadness, depression are all great and powerful emotions. Only people who want to keep you in a bad situation will tell you to not get angry.

[–]Talkytalktalk 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Fuck these tone police blue pill shills.

[–]My-Name-Is-No-One [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Damn straight brother. Fuck women (not with your dick tho, too risky), and fuck the tone police. It's not carrying poison, it's called waking and wising the fuck up. The poison was drunk long ago, now we have it as a reminder. That's all. How fucking stupid and asleep do men have to be to disregard the poison and act like fucking fools by ignoring his own experience and pain, and pretending and hoping that the poison won't hurt him? I can't answer that, but so many men here and elsewhere never even left the plantation.