I keep seeing these tone police posts about the so-called anger phase and getting over it.
On and on ad nauseum.
Ya know what I hate?
I hate it when somebody fucks me over.
I don't care if you're brown or white or black or yellow... I don't care if you're religious or not... & I don't care if you're male or female... if you fuck me over, (especially if you do it intentionally) there's a very good chance I'm going to hate you for it.
Holding onto your feelings is a different matter, but if you don't get pissed when someone fucks you over, or try to make excuses about why they did it, then you're not red pill and you're not MGTOW... you're a pussy and can't stand up for yourself.
So, for all you tone-policing, pseudo-MGTOW female apologists that feel the need to enlighten the poor men "stuck" in the anger phase...
Go fuck yourself.
\I do support your ability to express whatever you want, just like I'm doing right now by calling you a pussy.
[–]PM_YOUR_TRIGGERS 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)