' ); } } var frame_id = "ad_main_top"; /* Start loading ad if it's the main ad, otherwise wait for main ad to finish requesting ads from Adzerk. */ if (frame_id === 'ad_main'){ timeout = setTimeout(loadAd, 500); if (r.config.feature_ads_user_matching && !window.DO_NOT_TRACK) { r.frames.receiveMessageOnce('userMatched.gtm', loadAd); } else { loadAd(); } } else if (frame_id === 'ad_main_top') { window.loadAd = loadAd; $(window).on('message', function(e) { e = e.originalEvent; if (!new RegExp('^http(s)?:\\/\\/' + r.config.media_domain, 'i').test(e.origin)) { return; } var data = e.data; if (typeof data === 'string') { var message = data.split(':'); if (message[0] == 'ados.createAdFrame' && message[1] == 'top') { loadAd(); } } }); } });
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