@JesseLehrich @GOP @MaxBoot max boot is a warmongering sociopath why the fuck would you cite him
@JesseLehrich@rezaaslan@GOP@MaxBoot He seems totally oblivious to the fact that China is already the 1 keeping that cork in the bottle -
@JesseLehrich@GOP@MaxBoot ..comic book kidi matirial...Trumps idias.. -
@JesseLehrich@GOP@MaxBoot I'm waiting for Allen Funt to be reincarnated and tell the whole country we've been on candid camera -
@JesseLehrich@GOP@MaxBoot max boot is a psychopath and it should give everyone pause that you're touting this -
@JesseLehrich@rezaaslan@GOP@MaxBoot that's just the cocaine talking -
@JesseLehrich@MaxBoot@GOP Well-stated key point: Trump is not so much uneducated but, because of his unique mindset, impossible to educate -
@JesseLehrich@MaxBoot@GOP And yet after years of DIPLOMACY NK has nucs and ICBMs Iran will and the gov hacks shrug and say we tried -
@JesseLehrich@janemarkland52@GOP@MaxBoot I can't even believe he's running for the Presidency. -
@JesseLehrich@MaxBoot Compelling argument that China does not want unified Korean Peninsula. The "N. Korean Problem" is then not a problem. -
@JesseLehrich@GOP@MaxBoot when Trump said China should invade N. Korea even my 15 yr old said the man is nut's! -
@JesseLehrich@GOP Boot is terrified he and the other neocons will lose their death grip on US foreign policy if Hillary loses.#TrumpWins -
@JesseLehrich Again, isn't there a dick you should be sucking somewhere?