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[–]sadbasturd99 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I stood up to and defeated most of the bullies I met in my life. A few beat me up, not bad just kid stuff. I was super satisfying but....I am 42 now and I am fat and repulsive. It is usually once or twice a week or more someone makes comments about losing weight, about going for a walk, about diet, about drinking water, etc etc etc ad nauseum. I am supposed to take this is a compliment that they care, but I don't really think they care about me. I think they are just fucking assholes who care about themselves and not having to look at someone who disgusts them. So my point is that things come up over and over again in life.

My point is that you will have to deal with shitheads for the rest of your life. The closest thing I have found to what seems like an answer is ACT, acceptance commitment therapy. It has techniques (none of which I have mastered) that allows you to deal well with these horrible emotions. Good luck have fun.