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Fuck you Jessica, 

by 7h
Fuck you Jessica, you lying bitch!

Fuck you Jessica, you lying bitch!

So, my girlfriend of 5 years said she was pregnant about 6 months ago and today I found out that their father is my friend not me. My (now ex) girlfriend Jessica revealed to me the she her kids are my (now ex) friends not mine. I have know Jessica for about 10 years and have been dating for 5, i'm 24 and so is she. She is still at university whereas I graduated about a year ago. My friend Cameron (an absolute cunt) who also browses imgur (fuck you Cameron) is 21 and still in university doing a teachers bachlorete or something (something to do with teaching) and is extremely broke (i paid for his rent for like 3 months once). So Jessica told me that she thinks her kids might be Cameron's not mine so we went to go and get it checked and it turns out I can't have kids (which sucks) so they must be Camerons. I broke up with her and left her with Cameron who no doubt wont be able to look after the kids together (due to money issues). A few days ago I got a text from Jessica (we hadn't talked for awhile) saying that she was having triplets and that she wants me back and that she is sorry and shit. I said fuck you to her and Cameron and I hope their kids grow up to hate their parents as much as I do (Ps. I don't even feel bad) TLDR; Girlfriend of 5 years is having triplets to my friend FINALLY FUCK YOU CAMERON, YOUR A FUCKING CUNT AND WILL BE A SHIT DAD FUCK YOU TO JESSICA, I STUCK UP FOR YOU IN THE HARDEST SITUATIONS, I PUT MONEY INTO YOUR CHILDREN AND I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL. bit of a evil post, sorry


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