
Poll: Trump Leads Clinton Among Non-College-Educated White Men by a Whopping 59 Points

TrumpClinton94Hillary Clinton still leads Donald Trump in the polls, but her lead has shrunk considerably and Trump is making some serious gains.

In fact, today’s new ABC News/Washington Post poll shows that Trump leads Clinton among non-college-educated white men by 59 percent. (Mitt Romney won them in 2012 by 31 percent.)

On the flip side, college-educated white women go for Clinton 57-32.

Clinton leads Trump in this poll on questions of knowledge, temperament, and qualification, but falls behind on questions of trustworthiness and being “in good enough health.”

People trust Clinton way more on the economy, but Trump more on terrorism.

Overall, Trump leads Clinton 46-44 (this is with Gary Johnson and Jill Stein factored in).

It’s also worth noting that with questions about whether Trump has done enough to reach out to the black community, only 2 percent of African-Americans support him in this new poll.

He still leads with whites 53-37.

[image via screengrab]

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