全 3 件のコメント

[–]SamuelEnderby 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

The idea that "mansplaining" is a gendered issue and the idea that "manspreading" is a maliciously oppressive act.

[–]thebirthcontrolpill 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh geez, you caught me on a bad day. Crazy feminist ideas, according to my egalitarian-minded but feminist joke cracking (aka, "It would be so funny to go on the stage at a feminist convention and open a pickle jar!" ), white, suburban, twentysomething redditor boyfriend, are:

That we should err on the side of believing women who say there were raped.

That the gender pay gap is a result of anything other than women's stupid choices.

That if men get opportunities on the workplace that their female peers had been asking for but been denied, the women just weren't trying hard enough or didn't want it enough.

That for poor women, it's hard to afford a $350 abortion.

He also disagrees with lots of ideas of intersectional feminism, like:

Taking trans people seriously.

That African Americans continue to face systemic forces and historical legacies that help explain why African Americans are disproportionately poor and disproportionately likely to commit crimes. (Okay, he does believe that the War on Drugs is bad for African Americans, but if we got rid of that, he thinks any lingering problems in the black community would be wholly their fault.)

That there is a privilege in being a middle class white man from a middle class background.

Ugh, I'm being bad. We had a disagreement about the protests and violence in Charlotte yesterday, but ranting about his views on Reddit is probably not the most constructive way to deal with it.

Edit: Added second to last paragraph.

[–]AnAngryWelshMy n-count destroyed my bed 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think you're either male or female. You can be a very butch lady or a very effeminate male, but that doesn't make you 'genderqueer' or whatever they call it these days, it's just what gives you your own unique personality and identity.