"I believe the death of Keith Lamont Scott has ignited the smoldering embers of a community who feels demoralized and often victimized by the same people that others rely on for help."

Hillary Clinton is calling on Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police to release the video of the Keith Scott shooting. Clinton plans to visit Charlotte on Sunday.

NBC Charlotteさんがライブ動画を作成しました。

Community leaders from True Healing Under God react to the cell phone video of the Keith Scott shooting released Friday.

NBC Charlotteさんの投稿

Mooresville Graded Schools released a statement about an hour later, saying that the game has been postponed to not conflict with peaceful demonstrations planned Friday evening in downtown Mooresville.

Mooresville Graded Schools released a statement about an hour later, saying that the game has been postponed to not conflict with Friday’s peaceful demonstration.
wcnc.com|作成: TEGNA

“We all have three basic roles for the tape and criminal justice system. We need to make sure there’s a fair investigation. The second role is we have to make sure we protect the Constitutional rights of the people currently being investigated, and third, we have to meet the compelling public interest of the case.”

NBC Charlotteさんがライブ動画を作成しました。

LIVE: Governor McCrory gives an update on the protests in Charlotte.

NBC Charlotteさんの投稿

NBC News Exclusive: Video from wife's cell phone shows fatal shooting of Keith Lamont Scott. (Warning: graphic video)

Are you heading to a local hgh school football game this evening, you can expect dry and mild weather. Good luck to your team. Complete forecast can be found at WCNC.com.


On day three of protests, two Charlotte-Mecklenburg high schools are making their voice heard.

North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper has released a statement encouraging the release of police dashcam footage from the fatal shooting of Keith Lamont Scott.

JUST IN: The CMPD have arrested a man accused of shooting & killing a protester in uptown Charlotte Wednesday.

NBC Charlotteさんがライブ動画を作成しました。

WATCH LIVE: Charlotte city officials hold press conference to discuss latest protests.

NBC Charlotteさんの投稿

Seattle Mariners catcher Steve Clevenger fired off controversial tweets Thursday in response to civil unrest in Charlotte.

As Charlotte faces riots in response to a fatal police-involved shooting, an Oklahoma officer has turned herself in after being charged Thursday with first-degree manslaughter.

Officer Betty Shelby shot Terence Crutcher on September 16 as he stood in the middle of a road with a car that appeared to have stalled.
wcnc.com|作成: TEGNA
NBC CharlotteさんがHope Fordさんのlive videoをシェアしました。
Hope Fordさんの投稿
Hope Fordさんがライブ動画を作成しました。

Walk out at Charlotte area high school

Just to be clear- I was headed to the front office once a parent stopped me to tell me what happened. I at no time roamed the hallways or the school. I was headed to speak to the principal and obtain a visitor's pass.

"You do not like blue, cool, say so. You don't like rainbow hair, cool say that. These things are opinions you are entitled to, your disrespectful comments about my child are not."

Moments of kindness and love are shimmering through the chaos of recent riots.

Moments of kindness and love have been shimmering through the chaos of the past few days' riots.
wcnc.com|作成: TEGNA

A local weapons store was broken into around 2:30am after a car drove into the building, CMPD says.

Keith Lamont Scott's wife and other members of her family viewed two videos captured by police dashboard and body cameras that showed Scott's shooting death.

The attorney of the family of Keith Lamont Scott released a statement after viewing the CMPD video of the shooting incident from Tuesday afternoon.
wcnc.com|作成: TEGNA