conspiracy 内の birthdaysuit11 によるリンク Attorneys Are Told: "Possibility of WTC7 Collapsing Due to Fire is zero" 2016
conspiracy 内の Beneficial1 によるリンク A couple of pics inside the Hole at Ground Zero. Explain it if you can.
conspiracy 内の Sabremesh によるリンク Just a reminder that Obama refused to release his college records even though it would have meant Trump paying $5 million to charity. Many believe these records show Obama applied to Occidental College via an international scholarship track which was NOT available to US citizens.
worldnews 内の PalestineSyriaLevant によるリンク Egyptian state media claims 9/11 was carried out by West to justify war on terror
worldnews 内の PalestineSyriaLevant によるリンク Egyptian state media claims 9/11 was carried out by West to justify war on terror
conspiracy 内の Beneficial1 によるリンク A couple of pics inside the Hole at Ground Zero. Explain it if you can.
conspiracy 内の BrotherSpartacus によるリンク The Journal of 9/11 Research and 9/11 Issues ~ Dr. Judy Wood gets very little love here even though she's the only one close to the thruth. She will be vindicated one day. She'll be bigger than Snowden by the end of the year.
JudyWood 内の KnightBeforeTomorrow によるリンク Did you know the Pentagon turned to dust as it collapsed just like the WTC? also there was a radiation spike in the neighboring area. See more in the comments before you click.
conspiracy 内の rbsams72888 によるリンク James is doing such a good job with this "9/11 Suspects" series. Here is today's video. Someone is finally calling Bob Baer out.
conspiracy 内の Cavaliers_Win_in_5 によるリンク This morning a huge billboard was set up across the street from the NY Times building. Holy shit [cross-post from /r/pics]
conspiracy 内の smokinbluebear によるリンク Experts Sought: The Great 9/11 Building Debate...WhoWhatWhy to host their own debate and is seeking "the best qualified persons on each side of this matter to participate in a debate — which we will host online."
911truth 内の klucero1713 によるリンク Footage w/ Explosions Heard B4 1st Tower Collapse + Person Being Blown Out From Window Of WTC Tower (NSFW)
911truth 内の goata_vigoda によるリンク It's time to acknowledge how smart the people behind the 9/11 attacks were.
worldnews 内の PalestineSyriaLevant によるリンク Egyptian state media claims 9/11 was carried out by West to justify war on terror
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