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[–]iwatchlocalpolitics 0 points1 point2 points  (14 children)
I don't think the government has a right to restrict lab testing as it is a good way to reduce harm and thus save tax payers money in health care costs
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[–]Genialtoker -1 points0 points1 point  (13 children)
I suppose... the government's job is to restrict things that are illegal, right? It's my responsibility as a consumer to purchase from legal sources, no?
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[–]vape420everyday -2 points-1 points0 points  (12 children)
Most of the growers supplying dispensaries are MMAR approved. Under MMAR it was legal to designate someone to grow for you. If the product itself is produced legally it should not matter who is buying it, they should still be allowed to test it for the patient who obtained the permit. Under ACMPR they can do this now.
EDIT: Why downvote?
Who can send cannabis for testing?
You can send cannabis to authorized licensed dealers for testing if you are:
registered with Health Canada to produce a limited amount of cannabis for your own medical purposes under the ACMPR
registered with Health Canada under the ACMPR to have a designated person produce a limited amount of cannabis for your own medical purposes
an authorized person, as defined above
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[–]TourquiouseRemover 0 points1 point2 points  (11 children)
Under ACMPR they can do this now.
It's amazing how wrong you get everything. It is legal under the MMAR for someone to test their own legal to grow product. It is not legal to test a product you obtained illegally from someone who sold it to you illegally.
People who think the MMAR allowed people to sell their product at a profit to a dispensary have literally no idea what they are talking about. Stop pretending you are an expert on something you clearly know nothing about. It's a disservice to actual medical patients.
I used to grow under the MMAR and frequent numerous dispensaries You literally have not the slightest clue what you're saying.
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[–]vape420everyday -2 points-1 points0 points  (10 children)
People who think the MMAR allowed people to sell their product at a profit to a dispensary have literally no idea what they are talking about.
You have serious reading comprehension problems. It is really annoying to respond to these types of flagrant lies. Are you just trolling or what?
You are putting words in my mouth. I never said it was legal for them to sell it to the dispensary. Just that was what is happening. Under ACMPR growers can test their product.... If said product is passed along to the dispensary, it would be ILLEGAL, however it would be LAB TESTED LEGALLY. edit: [redacted ad hominem]
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[–]terrencemckenna- Doctor said I need a backiotomy[M] -1 points0 points1 point  (9 children)
I think you've made some good points, but your comments keep getting flagged for abuse because you're getting upset and swearing.
I don't want to remove your comments because I think you present lots of interesting info, but I also can't let you simply all-caps swear at people.
Can you edit out the last line to make everyone happy?
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[–]vape420everyday 0 points1 point2 points  (8 children)
Can you edit out the last line to make everyone happy?
Sure thing boss. Getting downvoted when all I do is try to present facts makes me want to quit coming here.
I think you present lots of interesting info, but I also can't let you simply all-caps swear at people.
I cross the line because I dont mind if I get banned at this point. I dont know what else to say to this community. Whenever there is an opposing view its just downvoted and called wrong without proof. I'm just about done with it.
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[–]dankchaser 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
It does suck to get downvoted, especially when content is relevant to the discussion at hand. If anything, a good argument should be upvoted because it helps the reader see various points of view. In reality its often used as a bat against opinions that run contrary to the reader's opinion regardless of its validity.
The bad news is it happens all over reddit. It happens in real life too. The sooner you care less about it, the better it will be for you. You can't control what a bunch of idiots think but you can control your perception and actions.
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[–][deleted]  (5 children)
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[–]terrencemckenna- Doctor said I need a backiotomy[M] [score hidden]  (4 children)
Second warning. Learn to have a civil discussion or you're not welcome here.
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[–]TourquiouseRemover [score hidden]  (3 children)
Wait, what? Where was my first warning? I'm not the guy screaming 'FUCK OFF'.
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[–]terrencemckenna- Doctor said I need a backiotomy 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
I cross the line because I dont mind if I get banned at this point. I dont know what else to say to this community. Whenever there is an opposing view its just downvoted and called wrong without proof. I'm just about done with it.
I totally understand – no one's received more downvotes, hatemail, ignorant comments, or false accusations than me. My only advice is to not take it too personally... It's just Reddit at the end of the day.
Frankly, /r/canadients differs from other subs in that we don't have a single homogenous community... There are those who love LP's, and those who love dispensaries; those who love Marc Emery, and those who hate him; we have those who fight for recreational rights, and others who fight for medicinal rights. When 4,600+ people with 4,600+ different opinions approach a single topic there will always be butting of heads.
I, for one, appreciate your opinion; if there's something I can do to make the sub better, I'm all ears.

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submitted by potpastor- East Coast Lifestyle
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