Full episode with @faisalalmutar and Melissa Chen. Plus my offer to have you on the show!http://www.ora.tv/rubinreport/2016/3/11/seeking-solutions-to-human-problems-with-dave-rubin-melissa-chen-and-faisal-saeed-al-mutar-0_1obgbdf82xxk …
@RubinReport @Jsjsj213@faisalalmutar You know very little about economic and governmental systems if you believe that chart. -
@PrimalMoonSc2@RubinReport@faisalalmutar It's a visual to help understand the term used in the podcast. Relax! -
@PrimalMoonSc2@RubinReport@faisalalmutar Rubin did say "relevant to everything" so you can forgive the misunderstanding, yes? -
@Fletchervand@PrimalMoonSc2@RubinReport@faisalalmutar Sure, buts it a meme not a dissertation.
lmao at the idea that centrism is being touted as a neutral, objective, scientific political stance
@RubinReport@faisalalmutar -
@hayBEARS@RubinReport@faisalalmutar am I tired or does that horseshoe offer nothing but "just so" bullshit? -
@notChrisL@RubinReport@faisalalmutar yeah, no, this is 100% bonafide nonsense. -
@notChrisL@RubinReport@faisalalmutar the idea that Islam is the opposite of communism makes me wonder if nerdshoe here remembers the 70s -
@hayBEARS@RubinReport@faisalalmutar I didn't notice that "Islamism" was on there. Nerdshoe indeed - その他の返信を表示
@hayBEARS@RubinReport@faisalalmutar lemme calibrate this so I'm in the center&my bogeymen are at the ends, and yah, I feel v important now
@RubinReport@hachre @Jsjsj213@faisalalmutar Bent one dimensional scale is still just left-right. Try a 2d chart.pic.twitter.com/tNwLg3b9C9 -
@Scribbles646@RubinReport@faisalalmutar Better. I don't like the idea of mapping the space of political ideas to 1 dim. 2 slightly better. -
@afBeaver@RubinReport@faisalalmutar Yea the problem with 1 dim scales is they turn it into a bad package deal, 2d gives a bit of spectrum. -
@Scribbles646@RubinReport@faisalalmutar Yepp! It's a problem when indep. ideas get bundled up as one package which you support or oppose. -
@Scribbles646@RubinReport@faisalalmutar 2d is prb. also a bad approx. but at least avoids 2 polarized camps who throw trash at each other.
@RubinReport @Jsjsj213@faisalalmutar I love how that's based on your perception of the world. - さらに表示
@RubinReport @Jsjsj213@faisalalmutar A rather gross oversimplification of the political spectrum & pretty much the same labeling you decry -
@TiagoLemosPeixo@RubinReport@faisalalmutar it's a fucking Twitter meme! Lower your guns dude !! -
@RubinReport@faisalalmutar Then perhaps labeling it " very relevant" might be overdoing it. Just a thought.