The misogynist label from the bluepill is largely a result of projection. You describe the reality of women, they then assume that you must hate women. Its because if they had to face reality they would hate women.
Escaping reality in MGTOW or its cousin Redpill can take other forms. The a long time ago in a mythical world myth. Reality is, until recent times, men became explorers or soldiers (until recent times armies where essentially mercenaries) because there wasn't any other ways for advancement. A woman can always marry up, a man needs to actually do something.
Other forms of escaping reality are men saying women are stupid. In their own way women are much smarter then men. By not allowing their ego to get in the way, they can pretend to be weak and play the victim. When it comes to finding weakness or seeing social status, women are masters.
At the core of things, men are seeking happinesses through external sources. These external sources are maybe a woman, a religion, status symbols etc. Happiness or contentment has to come from within. One has to accept the loneliness which is part of the human condition. This is one of the areas where men have an advantage over women.
Men evolved to be hunters. A hunter spends a lot of time alone. He has the potential to face his fears alone. It is possible for women to do this but much more difficult for them.
Enjoy the mundane. That does not mean one should not have ambitions but instead of living in the past or future live in the now. Most of the world wants to escape the now. They are fearful of the now because they will have to examine the truth about themselves.
And since both TRP and MGTOW are indirectly related to women. Instead of getting angry at that woman who is a bitch. Marvel at how she manages to pull off what is essentially a scam. Two wonderful mormon missionary ladies came to visit me today. How wonderful, I don't even have to leave my house and women come to it.
They asked my if they could come in and talk to me how my life lacked purpose. To their surprise, I told them they may but we are not allowed to talk about Joseph Smith. It was hot, so I offered them refreshments and then we sat on the patio and we had a nice conversation.
While we where conversing, the nice ladies since they where peddling something, where nice and charming. Almost flirty. They ofcourse tried to cheat amd indirectly sneak in references to Joseph Smith, I then told them they know the rules, not talking about Mr Smith. They ofcourse thought I was very witty and laughed. I then marveled at how these two nice ladies if I joined their religion or married them would turn into psychopathic, nagging shrews. This provided me with person amusement.
After an hour, the nice ladies said they had to leave and tell other people about Joseph Smith. I then said next time they need a break from telling people about Joseph Smith they can drop by my place for a refreshment. They promised they would. I then marveled at the brilliance of Joseph Smith.
So see, even if you know the nature of women. You can stilll enjoy their company. You can enjoy the nice sunny day.
Anyway my thoughts.
[–]JStheHammer 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)