Do not flaunt cynicism if that is not you, and if you are cynical for a living, then use that for a good cause (removing yourself from the equation when needed). I'm not saying to be Ghandi, but be loving for your sake and those around you. Use the five W's if you feel things are going the way of Shakespeare's "Hamlet" in your window to the world.
This is all for my lil meditation upon contemporary views held by some of my peers+loved ones (irl) and strangers (online), seeing as how I'm not one to ramble on with platitudes.
RE: the bots and KKK stuff going on rn,
One can not (logically) imply these two are directly related in some grand Machiavellian plot line. However, it stands to reason that when a top KKK leader says the Trump campaign was, 'a real opportunity.' and this is followed by the fact that bots all over twitter/FB/etc cover all trending BLM issues while (superficially) inflating their concepts of nationalism in an affirmative (Trump's slimy-like) way -- e.g. not using non-PC terms like "nigger", that these Donald Trump fanatics use in their original accounts (esp. on 4chan subs) -- the message must be made that we should all be mindful. For humanities sake.
And now, to quote Mark Twain,
It is my belief that nearly any invented quotation, played with confidence, stands a good chance to deceive
Ah, a spot of humor lads! lol :D
Oh, here's some evidence (FYC),
Some links about the KKk fliers showing up across the country,
"Trump supporter pretends to be a black woman on Twitter. Changes picture several times to pictures of different women"
^ A lot more of this on twitter, just search anything vaguely related to Hil, Trump, Harambe, pop culture, first thing on a tweet that is shared/liked a lot, ... everywhere. I refer to them as script kiddies, Putinbotforces, etc. I've noticed, the script kiddies seem to be most active when Trump directly or indirectly/subtly wants a message to be spread or messages from Hil or a journalistic source to be pressured and suppressed. It's pretty well orchestrated, just like the DNC hacking at the hands of Russian intel + assistance from wikileaks. Food for thought.
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