Tuscarawas Valley Local Schools 2637 Tusky Valley Rd. Zoarville, OH 44656 Home of the Trojans!

Elementary Cross Country Runners Shine at BCC
The elementary cross country runners shined at the recent Buckeye Career Center elementary cross country meet. The K-3 girls & 4-6 boys brought home first place team trophies while K-3 boys and 4-6 girls brought home third place team trophies. We are so proud of all our elementary cross country runners!

Mr. Murphy Receives CORAS Award
At the September 12th board meeting  Dr. Richard Murray, Executive Director of the Coalition of Rural and Appalachian Schools (CORAS) presented Mr. Murphy with the CORAS President’s Award.  Mr. Murphy was cited as a leader and role model for young superintendents by Dr. Murray.  His active interaction with the State Board of Education has given all rural schools a voice in Columbus.

TVHS Names Students of the Month
Elizabeth Hutchison
Student of the Month
Matt Kubina
Athlete of the Month
Connor Everett
Fine Arts Student of the Month

Senior Elizabeth Hutchison is the Student of the Month. Elizabeth is the daughter of Jerry and Betsy Tucker of Bolivar. She was nominated by Mr. Gauding. Elizabeth is an excellent student and an outstanding young lady. She has developed into a great student leader. She is the Vice-President of Student Council and Interact Club and had a large voice in helping develop our cum laude system. She is also the co-organizer of our powder puff game. Elizabeth is a member of the Robotics Club and the Academic Challenge team. She enjoys working out and reading classic novels in her spare time. Elizabeth plans to attend Kent State University and major in applied engineering.

Senior Matt Kubina is the Athlete of the Month. Matt is the son of Mark and Cindy Kubina of Bolivar. Matt was nominated for his outstanding effort in football where he has a vital role on offense as the center. He has had a great year creating holes for our running backs. Matt is also a member of the National Honor Society, Freshman Crunch squad leader, the Academic Challenge team, and Student Council, on which he serves as president. He enjoys listening to music and spending time with family and friends. He plans to go to medical school and eventually become a physician.

Senior Connor Everett is the Fine Arts Student of the Month. Connor is the son of Theron and Tricia Everett of Bolivar. He was nominated by Mrs. Sams for his excellence in Choir. Connor has been a section leader, soloist and member of many honor choirs. Connor enjoys Ski & Board club and musical theater. He plans to go to Kent State University and major in journalism.

TVMS Names Students of the Month
Reagan Brothers, Julia Felgenhauer, Landon Tausch, Ty Staples, Cole Lab
State Report Cards Released
Click image to view a comparison of local school districts

The Ohio Department of Education released the 2016 State Report Card information this morning and once again the Tuscarawas Valley Local Schools finds itself among the highest achieving districts in the area.  While the setup of the new report card system certainly impacted the letter grades for all schools, TVLS continued to perform at a high level relative to other districts in the state of Ohio.  

Perhaps the biggest highlight of the report card was that TVLS received an “A” in the overall value-added category.  Value-added is a measurement of students’ academic growth with a grade level of “C” equalling one year’s growth.  A letter grade of “A” indicates that TVLS students learned more than the state of Ohio expected during the 2015-2016 school year.

Other notes of interests from the report card:

TVLS received a “D” for Indicators Met.   This grade however still puts TVLS among the top districts in the state as only 16% of district received a “C” or higher and 63% of Ohio districts received an “F.

TVLS received a “C” for Performance Index.  This grade measures the performance of every student during state testing with more points being awarded for higher passing scores.  Only two schools in Ohio received an “A” with an additional 86 receiving a “B.”  TVLS fell into a group of 288 schools that received a “C.”

TVLS received a “C” for Prepared for Success. This grade uses multiple measurements including but not limited to AP classes, college credit plus, honors diplomas, and college entrance exams to determine how well a district’s students are prepared for future opportunities.  Only 47 districts in Ohio received an “A” or a “B” in this measure.  TVLS fell into a group of 269 schools that received a “C.”

For a complete explanation of all report card measurements you can view the Guide to the 2016 Ohio School Report Cards provided by the Ohio Department of Education.

To look up the report card for any Ohio district you can use the database provided by cleveland.com.

District Report Card: A Response From TVLS

The Ohio Department of Education plans to release the 2016 Report Card for all Ohio school districts on September 15.  The report represents a multitude of measurement components, including achievement, progress, gap closing, graduation rate, and others. Tuscarawas Valley Local Schools fully supports high educational standards, quality measurement systems, and accountability to our local community; it’s what our students deserve and residents expect.  The challenge, however, is keeping up with Ohio’s accountability system described by the Department of Education as “in transition.”  Those in the field would more aptly describe the state’s measurement system as a running target, the complete opposite of sound educational practice and what is good for students. 

Before ODE releases report card results, it is imperative for residents and community leaders to understand the massive changes in the state’s accountability system in order to keep a healthy perspective on the district report card.  Educators and community members of Tuscarawas Valley Local Schools will likely gasp and struggle to comprehend how a strong performing school district, rated with an “A” just six months ago, could somehow plummet to a “D” a few short months later.  Did our students suddenly become less intelligent?  Did the quality of our teacher instruction abruptly plunge?  Have administrators lost their focus on what matters most?  Quite the contrary. Continue reading...

DeBos Takes Top Honors at Dover Invitational
Congratulations to TVHS sophomore Madisan DeBos as she finished in first place at Saturday's Dover Invitational cross country meet. DeBos ran a 20:47 and outdistanced her nearest competitor by nearly 37 seconds. DeBos' performance highlighted a strong showing by the girls' team as they finished in second place overall despite competing in the large school division. Kat Gaiser (8th), Kaylyn Lloyd (10th), Sierra Williams (12th) and Emma Potts (32nd) rounded out the scoring for the girls team.
Cross Country Team Selling Trojan Attire
The Tusky Valley cross country team is selling Trojan attire through September 16th. If you are interested you may order from any cross country runner or you can send your order to TVHS secretary Rebecca Leshon at rebecca.leshon@tvtrojans.org. Click on the image above to see a larger view of the items.

Yard Sign & Car Decals For Sale
The TVHS cheerleaders are selling Tusky Valley yards signs and car decals. Return orders to the TVHS Office and place in the cheer mailbox. Orders will be collected every Friday and will be delivered approximately one week from the date the order is collected. The last order date is October 7, 2016. Please make all checks payable to the Tusky Valley Boosters.
Class of '76 to Hold 40th Reunion
The TVHS Class of '76 will be holding their 40th class reunion at the Zoar Fire Station on Saturday, September 17th from 6:00 - 11:00 PM. There will be a picnic dinner and entertainment provided by Chris Corbi. The cost is $20 per person or $40 per couple. You can send your check to Randy Breyer at 2256 Oaktree Drive, Dover, Ohio 44622 or pay when you arrive. Please contact Gina Argento at 502-451-6877 with any questions. Class members will also be attending the home football game on Friday, September 16th vs CVCA. The Class of '76 would also like to extend an invitation to any TVHS graduates to attend the reunion. We hope to see you there!

2015-2016 TVHS Yearbooks Now Available
Distribution of the 2015-16 high school yearbooks will begin August 31, 2016. Graduates should contact the high school office at 330-859-2421 and arrange to pick up their books. Extra copies will be available beginning Thursday and the cost is $60

Boys' Golf Team Off to a Strong Start
The boys' golf team started the 2016 season in early August and the team has been off to a strong start. The Trojans opened the season by capturing the championship at the Griffith Cup for the fourth year in a row. The Trojans backed up that performance with victories at the Indian Valley Open and the PAC Preseason Tournament as well as a second place finish at the Tillapaw Appraisal. The golf team also got a jolt of excitement when senior Landen Thompson accomplished the rarest feat in golf as he recorded a double eagle on the 530-yard, par 5 third hole. A double eagle is a score of two on a par 5. According to the United States Golf Association the odds of a double eagle are approximately one-million-to-one.
Vesco to March for Ohio University 110
Congratulations to 2016 TVHS graduate Katey Vesco as she is a member of the Ohio University Marching 110 this fall. Vesco joins 2013 graduate TVHS Josiah Pugh who will be the tenor sax section leader for the OU110. Congratulations Katey and Josiah! We are proud of you!
Bird, Spina Represent TV at National Speech Tourney
Current TVHS sophomore and Drake Spina2016 TVHS graduate Aric Bird traveled to the National Speech Tournament in late June. Spina, who had finished 4th in the Ohio State Tournament, placed 16th in the nation (out of 258 competitors) in humorous interpretation. Bird finished his high school speech career as a 4-time state qualifier, 2-year national qualifier, and the 2016 State Champion. Bird will be attending Eastern Michigan University on a partial speech scholarship this fall. Congratulations Drake & Aric!

5th Grade Orientation Held on August 18th

Students received their beginning of the school year paperwork, t-shirt, and their Chromebook. 5th Grade Orientation is a time set aside for students to meet their teachers, navigate the building, and practice locker combinations.  Below is a schedule for the day. The event was immediately followed immediately by the Back to School Barbeque Blast.

Back to School Blast Held August 18th

TVLS families attended the annual Back to School Blast & BBQ on Thursday, August 18 from 5-7pm at the middle school.  Families enjoyed a complimentary dinner, BBQ style, catered by Kathy Stotzer, explored after-school programs, received complimentary haircuts by R U Stylin' of Bolivar, enjoyed inflatables, games, and outdoor disc jockey Justin McCauley, received a $10 Walmart gift card to first 140 TV students for back to school supplies, and received giveaways and information from local businesses, organizations, and civic groups. Click here to see pictures from the evening.

2016-2017 Back to School Report

The 2016-2017 Back to School Report is now available. This report contains information on class lists, bus route lists, shuttle schedule, school supply lists, grading period dates, no school dates, menu information, fee information, Chromebook fee information, random drug testing information and much more!

TVLS 2016-2017 School Supply List Available
The school supply list for the 2016-2017 school year is now available. Also, please remember that Ohio will hold a sales tax holiday Friday, August 5th - Sunday, August 7th. Many school supplies, including clothes, will be tax free during the sales tax holiday. Click here for more details about the sales tax holiday and what items will be tax free.

TVLS 2016-2017 District Handbook Now Available
The 2016-2017 District Handbook has been released and can be located by clicking on your child's building under the "Our Schools" tab of the TVLS website. Any parent/guardian may contact the TVLS Central Office at 330-859-2213 to request a hardcopy of the handbook.  

Upcoming Events

Tuscarawas Valley Local Schools
Superintendent Mark Murphy
2637 Tusky Valley Rd.
Zoarville, OH 44656
Phone: 330-859-2213
Fax: 330-859-2706
Tuscarawas Valley Primary
Principal Andrea Clements
PO Box 428, 8647 First Street
Mineral City, OH 44656-0428
Phone: (330) 859-2461
Fax: (330) 859-8885
Tuscarawas Valley Intermediate
Principal Diana Flickinger
216 Park Avenue
Bolivar, OH 44612
Phone: (330) 874-3234
Fax: (330) 859-8875
Tuscarawas Valley Middle School
Principal Erica Knowles
2633 Tuscarawas Valley Rd. NE
Zoarville, OH 44656-9692
Phone: (330) 859-2427
Fax: (330) 859-8845
Tuscarawas Valley High School
Principal Jason Phillips
2637 Tuscarawas Valley Rd. NE 
Zoarville, OH 44656-9692
Phone: (330) 859-2421
Fax: (330) 859-8805