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Stumbled across these casually reading the Daily Mail.
Picture quality not great
[/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/MgdUxJ]IMG_20160920_175143969[1][/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/147477957@N06/]matt hutton[/url], on Flickr
[/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/LtK1Uj]IMG_20160920_175328163[1][/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/147477957@N06/]matt hutton[/url], on Flickr
[/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/LZkbMQ]IMG_20160920_175229135[1][/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/147477957@N06/]matt hutton[/url], on Flickr
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Found in Thursday’s copy of the Daily Mail.
I myself have experienced this first hand and so have a few of my friends.
lol thats what happens when the rules don’t apply too you, i’ll put $1000 that i can’t afford to lose that most of them were white women.. lets say 70%
too bad we’ll never know for sure i could do with an extra $1000 right now 🙂 but then again who would be dumb enough to take me up on the bet ? everyone knows i’m right LOL…
and i used to wonder why i see so many white men with asian women LOL… i miss those naive days..
and if you find this comment racist… you aint seen nothing yet, i still got plenty of ammo here. i haven’t even scratched the surface…
The daily mail is the only paper left in the UK, willing to print the truth, and good news for MGTOW, it’s getting bolder.
Female violence in the UK has reached levels that we are no longer willing to tolerate.
The UK is slowly turning against feminism and these articles are becoming more commonplace.
I could solve the the worlds problems.....*sips beer*.....if I cared.
Aggressive females are at least to me repulsive and would not pass the stranger barrier. What is more troubling are psychos that know how to hide their nuclear reactor under feminine facade.
Aggressive females are at least to me repulsive and would not pass the stranger barrier.
They’re sweet and innocent at first and do not advertise their violent side.
They hide it quite well I find.
Aggressive females are at least to me repulsive and would not pass the stranger barrier
Aggresive females rarely present themselves as such.
I could solve the the worlds problems.....*sips beer*.....if I cared.
The daily mail is the only paper left in the UK, willing to print the truth, and good news for MGTOW, it’s getting bolder.
Female violence in the UK has reached levels that we are no longer willing to tolerate.
The UK is slowly turning against feminism and these articles are becoming more commonplace.
really ? i’m hearing it’s a liberal paradise where they cover things up to protect certain victims groups… you know who im talking about …
so that’s a lie ???? it is getting better ???
psychos that know how to hide their nuclear reactor under feminine facade
Asian women are masters at this. They want you to think they’re these delicate little flowers in constant need of saving. Nothing can be farther from the truth. As far as Asian-American born women, they’re identical to their white female counterparts in thought, word, and deed.
Do not be fooled my brothers.
Consistency is victory - Ultra Magnus
They confuse agression with strenght. There empowerd now you know! Women can not mach Mens agression.Thers a reason no women has ever won the Indy 500.Motor raceing IS about agression and dareing.
So there’s no point returning to the dating cesspool any time soon then.
lol thats what happens when the rules don’t apply too you…
… i’ll put $1000 that i can’t afford to lose that most of them were white women.. lets say 70%…
I won’t take that bet, but not for the reasons you think.
The women in that article are middle class whites because newspapers don’t write about violent black women, violent chavs, or violent “women of color”. Those women are expected to be violent so it’s not shocking when they are.
Violent suburban soccer moms, on the other hand, are “newsworthy” because the narrative has them listed as saints.
Do not date. Do not impregnate. Do not co-habitate. And, above all, do not marry. Reclaim and never again surrender your personal sovereignty.
The daily mail is the only paper left in the UK, willing to print the truth, and good news for MGTOW, it’s getting bolder.
Female violence in the UK has reached levels that we are no longer willing to tolerate.
The UK is slowly turning against feminism and these articles are becoming more commonplace.
really ? i’m hearing it’s a liberal paradise where they cover things up to protect certain victims groups… you know who im talking about …
so that’s a lie ???? it is getting better ???
Is said its turning, I didn’t say to what extent.
Yes, it remains a liberal paradise but BEING FROM THE UK i’m seeing a little more push back in certain press.
Btw, I understand its a question, you don’t have to put ??? Like you’re demanding an answer. I’ll answer it anyway.
I could solve the the worlds problems.....*sips beer*.....if I cared.
The women in that article are middle class whites because newspapers don’t write about violent black women, violent chavs, or violent “women of color”. Those women are expected to be violent so it’s not shocking when they are.
It’s not racist to write about angry white women. With that
I find it ironic that they are becoming the next showcase piece for mainstream media. This may be the start of their impending implosion. When for the sake of ratings violent white feminists become the next media shame target.
If you rescue a damsel in distress, all you will get is a distressed damsel.
The daily mail is the only paper left in the UK, willing to print the truth, and good news for MGTOW, it’s getting bolder.
Female violence in the UK has reached levels that we are no longer willing to tolerate.
The UK is slowly turning against feminism and these articles are becoming more commonplace.
really ? i’m hearing it’s a liberal paradise where they cover things up to protect certain victims groups… you know who im talking about …
so that’s a lie ???? it is getting better ???
Is said its turning, I didn’t say to what extent.
Yes, it remains a liberal paradise but BEING FROM THE UK i’m seeing a little more push back in certain press.
Btw, I understand its a question, you don’t have to put ??? Like you’re demanding an answer. I’ll answer it anyway.
first of all i do multiple ??? because it looks cool, second of all don’t get a tone with me, you come from the place that destroyed the west via creating white guilt, you should be embarrassed to be seen let alone run your mouth..
and yes i will be saying the same to new yorkers if they don’t respond to that recent attack.. i’m not saying kill people.. but i am saying take to the streets with your guns united standing tall and send a message to the government and their ”helpers” we aint going to take this shit anymore..
WHEN they try this in australia… you’ll be seeing me on the news i can promise you that…
The women in that article are middle class whites because newspapers don’t write about violent black women, violent chavs, or violent “women of color”. Those women are expected to be violent so it’s not shocking when they are.
It’s not racist to write about angry white women. With that
I find it ironic that they are becoming the next showcase piece for mainstream media. This may be the start of their impending implosion. When for the sake of ratings violent white feminists become the next media shame target.
this is EUROPE we’re talking about here EUROPE do you understand ? no way will anything come of this..
the Australian media ADMITTED more WHITE PEOPLE GET KILL BY THE COPS THAN BLACKS in America … does that mean things are changing ? fuck NO !!!!
this is all still part of the agenda, you need to realize that… the truth is my biggest weapon and their trying to water it down.. simple as that…
i know my enemy i know who i’m dealing with, trust me, i know what i’m talking about..
So there’s no point returning to the dating cesspool any time soon then.
Expect more of the same.
Aggressive females are at least to me repulsive and would not pass the stranger barrier.
They’re sweet and innocent at first and do not advertise their violent side.
They hide it quite well I find.
Yes they do! Agressive dominent women disgust me. So I went for the quiet well mannerd ones. Suprise!
It’s not really female aggression on the rise so much as it’s female FRUSTRATION on the rise.
Think about it, with men avoiding them they must get terribly lonely while the guys are living secluded lives avoiding female insanity entirely and all the pitfalls that go with it.
They thought they couldn’t get a mans attention before?
Now they can’t even get a man to look at them or talk to them!
Why? How much combined shit from every angle can men take before they universally give up and walk away?
I know I feel that way!MGTOW: The only FIRE EXIT in the building! Your choice, live or fry?
first of all i do multiple ??? because it looks cool, second of all don’t get a tone with me, you come from the place that destroyed the west via creating white guilt, you should be embarrassed to be seen let alone run your mouth..
Ok mate.
Where are you from?
I could solve the the worlds problems.....*sips beer*.....if I cared.
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