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Donald J. Trump
The Obama Administration has a very important duty to provide a budget - and then negotiate! OUR COUNTRY is a laughingstock!
NewsAsylum 2013年10月7日
Tried to negotiate a long time before this and nobody wanted to listen so, deal with it.
Ocular Nervosa 2013年10月7日
You should read the Constitution some time, especially the part about where financial bills originate.
RICHARD MIXIN 2013年10月7日
of all people I think you understand the concept of extortion.
Johnny Barr 2013年10月7日
Congress does the budget!
DrewBaby|DrewManning 2013年10月7日
RT The Obama Administration has a very important duty to provide a budget & then negotiate! OUR COUNTRY is a laughingstock!
Tailgate Ted 2013年10月7日
is to busy chiming in on the team name
Ndumiso Mbatha 2013年10月7日
no, Boenher and his thugs Republicans are the problem here...oh including you.
Elaine 2013年10月7日
Can't say Republicans aren't trying! Who is the party of NO again?
Tommy Vietor 2013年10月7日
America is rubber you're glue MT “: Obama has a very important duty to provide a budget. OUR COUNTRY is a laughingstock!”
Benjamin Perkins 2013年10月7日
it's not a laughing stock . It's fucked
Marc Harris 2013年10月7日
. I'm no constitional professor, Mr. T. But prima facie it would seem that passing a budget is the purview of congress.
Joe Cohen 2013年10月7日
we love the leadership of on being a laughingstock!
Delvon Johnson 2013年10月7日
And so are you!
(((Jeff Tiedrich))) 2013年10月7日
Hey , I hear Obama's agreed to defund Obamacare in exchange for you getting a decent hairpiece. Negotiations, baby!
Andrew Blackmore 2013年10月7日
Trump's hair is a laughingstock and so are his cynical, bullshit political stunts.
Radhika khanna 2013年10月7日
I do agree with him though at this point, nothing against anyone personal- America is business!
Andrew Blackmore 2013年10月7日
Affordable Healthcare Act is the LAW, enacted by CONGRESS & upheld by SUPREME COURT. This is GOP obstruction.