全 107 件のコメント

[–]UANTGSchwifty 31ポイント32ポイント  (1子コメント)

I don't know if there is a compromise for this.

You guys are both not communicating - you didn't honestly say why you didn't want to do certain things and instead you just said you never did never would.

If he hated oral this whole time, he should have spoken up.

Also - I don't see why you have to have oral every single time - sometimes sure, but every time to the point where you just put your legs up when sex is starting seems a bit much for a guy who didn't even want to do it at all - that was poor compromising on your part.

[–]OtherKindofMermaid 22ポイント23ポイント  (3子コメント)

If you would have been honest early-on, you would have found out that you were sexually incompatible. But now you are in deeper, but this is an even bigger problem now.

The only thing you can do is talk to your boyfriend and see if you can clean the slate, somewhat. You need to own up to what you did and be clear that you know it was wrong to deceive and hide things from him. He needs to know you own that you fucked up or he won't ever be able to start to trust you again.

See if you can compromise on your sexual preferences together. Other than anal sex, was there something else he wanted to do that you said no to? Would you be willing to try one of those things with him? Find out if he really doesn't like performing oral sex and fingering, or if he just said that because he was mad at you and wanted to get back at you. If he really doesn't like it and they are off the table now, can you live with that? Or is it still a deal-breaker like it was before?

Unless he can get past his hurt and anger, I think your relationship is on life support and it's just going to die of resentment.

[–]Terribledragon4Hire 41ポイント42ポイント  (5子コメント)

Essentially OP is a hypocrite. They both had things they wanted sexual. She got her way, and then told him no to his wants and then lied to him about it.

Then her friends throws a grenade into the relationship and basically exposes OPs lie and destroys the BFs ego.

Edit to add: what kind of asshole friend does that to a relationship without understanding the relationship dynamics first...

[–]ForgetMeThereafter 24ポイント25ポイント  (1子コメント)

A drunk one who isn't thinking. This isn't on the friend... this is on OP....

[–]sjlwood 41ポイント42ポイント  (3子コメント)

You lied to his face about your past, made him engage in stuff he wasn't that into, refused to try any of his interests, and now you're whining about him possibly leaving. I don't see how you think you're in the right here. You sound like a really shitty partner to me.

[–]CraazyMike 28ポイント29ポイント  (4子コメント)

A lie of omission is still a lie.

[–]Davidcottontail 28ポイント29ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well she flat out said she never did that and never would.

[–]sinscriven 9ポイント10ポイント  (4子コメント)

Compromise is not a desired outcome here. You both are already angry, hurt, and resentful of each other and compromise is a lose-lose scenario that will only make it worsen over time. Ideally the goal is to collaborate on a solution that makes the both of you happy but you'll run into the unsolvable problem that you both want incompatible things from each other.

He made the effort to offer oral sex even though he didn't enjoy it, but you not only did not reciprocate but you dodged and lied about your experiences with the things he's interested in. You betrayed the good faith effort he was giving you and it's likely he's not going to indulge you in that for quite a while, if ever again.

The ball is in his court if he can find it in him to forgive you for your deceit and try to work with you from there, but you still will have the problem of incompatible desires that neither of you are willing to fulfill for each other. Even without the lying that would doom the relationship on its own, so things are kinda looking pretty bleak.

I would give it some time and talk it out, and don't try to initiate sex until this gets resolved --all it's going to do is quickly and powerfully being a reminder of how you lied to him and manipulated his perspective for your own ends and that will repulse him from reconciling with you.

[–]molson5972 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

I know I wouldn't want sex for a while as I digest and try and reassure myself. It's a blow to his ego and trying to have sex a day after I think is tactless and using sex to make the issue blow over. The BF doesn't see the same GF before he got that info and now is trying to work it out

[–]RampagingKoala 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

Yeah, so special you did things with them you flat out rejected for me..

You can't really un-ring this bell. There's no magic solution for fixing the fact that whether you like it or not, he's going to feel inadequate compared to the guys you did do that stuff with. Whether it's right or wrong, he's entitled to the way he feels and you're not going to make it go away.

I don't think he's handling this particularly well either. He's not telling you what he wants or likes and does it just to please you and is getting upset that you're not reciprocating. If he wants this stuff, he should speak up and you guys should have a constructive conversation.

And this sounds awfully entitled:

I began to lay back and put my legs up like I usually did when he was going down on me, normal routine

That would be like if I whipped out my dick when we got to the bedroom and put it in my SO's face. I could see why he would be upset in that situation.

[–]UhOhWhatNowB[S] -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Again, it was pretty routine as shown in the quoted part. You may have sex differently than we do, so I don't think it was a matter of me going off of over a years worth of established routine that upset him

[–]dgillz 21ポイント22ポイント  (14子コメント)

he founds out my previous partner count, what things I have done with other guys that I haven't/wouldn't do with him and with how many of them that occurred

All that means to a man is you cared about the other dudes more than him. This is not complicated. At all. I'm surprised he hasn't dumped you yet.

[–]lamamaloca 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think that men can understand "I tried this and didn't like it, so I don't want to do it now." Or "I had doing this with X but I was afraid to tell him no, so I did it even though I felt bad every time. I don't want to do it now."

[–]molson5972 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't think your sexually compatible anymore. He did what he needed to do to keep you happy and around, and I think he needs a partner willing to explore with him. You really can't offer things you did for others and not him now though, he knows how you feel about them and it tarnishes his desire for it with you. Your both young, I think an ungodly amount of communication and an understanding that both of your sex lives will be less satisfying. I'd end it and call it a learning experience, your sex life is just never going to be the same.

[–]stuckhans 22ポイント23ポイント  (4子コメント)

See what happens when you don't tell the truth. Sure you didn't outright lie when he first asked, but now it's come back and bit you in the ass. You played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. You won't break up, but i expect he might.

[–]Davidcottontail 23ポイント24ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well she did lie saying she never did it and never would.

[–]877-386-891 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

The only think I want to add though is that I feel like his reaction is a little strong. Would have made more sense to me if he asked first what changed in her that she's not willing to do those things. But ultimately I agree.

All actions have consequence.

[–]stuckhans 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

He could have been a bit retaliatory with his reaction, but he was still coming to terms with her hiding her whole sexual history. A big part of herself wasn't known to him.

[–]molson5972 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

I also don't think it's retalitary of him. He didn't like giving her oral, but he did it for her sake. He knows where she stands on that so it makes sense for him to opt out of oral

[–]_NowWhat_ 17ポイント18ポイント  (0子コメント)

Omitting the full truth is still lying. You have basically lied to him this entire time. He was up front about not liking oral and foreplay, yet he did it because you liked it. You have done things he has wanted to do and you shut him down.

Honestly, he has a right to be pissed and he may well break up with you over it. You've lied to him for 1.5 years and then doubled down by refusing things you've previously enjoyed with other people.

Seems like you need to give him space and let him figure out what he wants.

[–]cmasey1410 13ポイント14ポイント  (2子コメント)

I do things for my lady in the bed room all the time that I dont necessarily want to do, dont enjoy too often. Im completely fine with that because I want her to feel good and satisfied.

However, she hasnt lied to me about things she has done. So I dont feel like Im missing out. She left it up to me to decide.

You were an ass. I wouldnt break up with you either, but Id probly not have sex with you very often.

[–]OtherKindofMermaid 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

I wouldnt break up with you either, but Id probly not have sex with you very often.

Why wouldn't you break up if you would hold on to resentment to the point where it would make you have less sex with her? That seems unhealthy.

[–]cmasey1410 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

It wouldnt necessarily be resentment. It would be a mix of things. Inadequacy. Insecurities, etc.

The major point is that Id feel like the relationship isnt 50/50. If my partner cares and I hope she would, id think she would change and it would change.

[–]Davidcottontail 16ポイント17ポイント  (2子コメント)

Yeah you made him do something he didn't want to, by basically giving him an ultimatum, then lied to him about never having anal sex, and saying you never would. So you either do it or he might breakup with you.

[–]molson5972 24ポイント25ポイント  (1子コメント)

If I was him I wouldn't want unwanted pity anal. He sounds like a solid guy, so if she offered I would be pretty offended.

[–]UhOhWhatNowB[S] -4ポイント-3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Pretty much this, I got so desperate I started to even panic and suggest that I'd be willing but he shut it down saying it wouldn't mean anything under these circumstances. I really would too, but now I don't even know how to initiate it. He really is too good of a guy for me...

[–]1986throwaway1986 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think you need to realise that you have soley caused this problem. Lieing is what has got you into this situation. Your bf was honest about his dislike of oral... plain n simple but I'm guessing after much complaining and threats of breakups he gave in and agreed to do it for your happiness. Then when he asked about things he would like to try with you. You lied and told him you had never done those things and never will. He did the right thing and respected your wishes without complaint. Now through your big mouthed friend he finds out that not only have you tried those things multiple times with different people but you've been Lieing to him the whole time about it all. What the fuck is wrong with you?

I'm sorry but your boyfriend has every right to say no to oral especially after he's learned that you've just been effectively lieing through your teeth for you to get what you want sexually. Your are absolutely selfish and you dont love him. Love means respect and trust and honesty... non of which you have for him.

The fact he hasn't walked out shows just how special he is... most would of ended it there n then. Its not the acts itself its the lies you have portrayed about yourself to him. Now he's asking you to respect his wishes of not wanting oral anymore.

Either you suck this up and be respectful to his wishes and slowly work through things at a later time with a therapist when he's ready to or take some time apart to really have a good look at yourself and how you justified the lies as ok...

If the roles were reversed.... this would be outrageous and you would be livid. He's going to be upset and hurt. A lie no matter how small can be a tiny prick to someones heart...

[–]Tshshshehjsudqk 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

People aren't obligated to do anything that makes them uncomfortable in the bedroom. They can certainly choose to be a little uncomfortable to do something their partner really likes, but it shouldn't ever be expected.

[–]Jilltro 2ポイント3ポイント  (13子コメント)

I think the other commenters are coming down too hard on you. Yes you 100% messed up in not being honest about how many partners you had when he asked you. That is bad and he has a right to be angry with you about it.

But do people really think you owed him a list of every sex act you've ever done with anyone? Do you need justification beyond "I don't like that. I don't want to do it" to not want to have anal or do something else with him? Really? I've never asked for a list of my partners previous sexual experiences or been expected to provide one.

It sounds like you two have fundamental differences. To me, fingering and oral are standard and I've tried to make it work with dudes who aren't into it, and it doesn't work for me. If he needed anal to get off and you couldn't or wouldn't provide it, I would advise him to find someone more compatible as well.

Ideally both partners should be willing to try things to please their partners. It doesn't mean you're not allowed to have limits.

[–]_heart 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'd be shattered if I were your BF. I think you're just going to have to keep talking with him. He was honest with you about something so intimate, and you lied to him about something so intimate. If you ever recover from this, you have to show he can trust you and you are honest with him where it counts.

I have more experience compared to my BF but only in that I've had more partners than he has. I offered to show him test results, I told him he can ask me anything about my sex life and he shot them down. He said he knew he'd be hurt but he's appreciative I brought it up and offered. I knew I could lose him, but I believe in him having agency in who he wants to be with and if he chose me, he should know.

Don't lie next time. This is so fundamental and especially in our current "hook up" culture, trust is still key. This will not change - monogamous or multiple partners, open relationship, etc.

I really hope you learn your lesson, not because you're desperate to keep him when he may want to break up with you, but because you don't want to hurt another person in this manner ever again. The comments are beating you up pretty bad.

[–]lamamaloca 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

First off, it seems more like he's making a point than actually expressing how strongly he feels about oral sex, but he may very well not like it. But you wrote, "One side of me is indignant that he hid his lack of enjoyment for giving oral sex from me this whole time," and is that really true? You knew he didn't care for it in the first place and you insisted on it. Why is the fact that he doesn't like it a shock?

I do think that the issues you're talking about are not all equivalent. For instance, if you find an act painful or physically uncomfortable that is not the same as finding it icky or just not enjoying it. And any talk of opening the relationship or threesomes is not at all equivalent to talking about sex acts between the two of you.

You both need to work on being "good, giving and game" in Dan Savage's words, but that does not equate to an equality in "I'll do this act for you, so you have to do this act for me." Sometimes doing something that you don't like because your partner really likes it is typical when you're in a relationship. Doing something you find painful or humiliating or that just makes you feel bad is another matter. Instead of trying to balance things out you have to work towards having fun and being satisfied together.

One specific thing I wonder: if he won't do oral or finger you, what foreplay is he willing to do, and is that enough to get you off? Refusing to do foreplay altogether is nothing like refusing to do anal or have a threesome, and if an act is necessary for you to achieve orgasm then refusing it and not looking for alternatives is a huge impediment to a happy and satisfied sex life.

[–]SulfuricSomeday 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Doing something sexual with a previous partner and not liking it does not make any future partners entitled to that sex act.

[–]nostalgicporpoises 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Have you talked openly with him about why you don't want to do certain things and why he wants to? Let's say your boyfriend and one of his ex's had a restaurant they always went to, but he refused to go there with you and never explained why. You're then left to speculate why and that is a recipe for jealousy. But if he refused to go because the last time he went he got terrible food poisoning and lived in the bathroom the next day, you would know it has nothing to do with his ex, but with his mistrust of the food. If you have a great reason for not doing something, let him know why and stick to it. On the other hand, if it's something you don't want to regularly incorporate into your sex life because it's not something you really enjoy, but he wants to just because he's curious, maybe give it a go and then discuss how it went and if it's something either of you want to do again. Also understanding why allows you to explore alternatives and compromise within a single issue rather than an "anal sex in exchange for oral" situation.