The offices of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) in Miami.

The offices of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) in Miami. | AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee, File

GOP megadonor pledges $2M to register Florida Latinos to help beat Trump

MIAMI — Mike Fernandez, the billionaire heavyweight Republican donor who says he’s voting for Democrat Hillary Clinton because he loathes Donald Trump, says he’s ready to spend as much as $2 million to an unspecified nonprofit to help register new Hispanic voters in Florida and turn them out in the election.

In giving the money, Fernandez doesn’t have to support the Democrat directly. But he knows that, for every 10 new Latinos registered to vote, at least six will probably vote against Trump. If polling trends hold and black and Latino voters turnout relative to their current registration numbers, strategists say, Clinton is likely to win Florida and therefore the White House.

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“As a lifelong Republican, I cannot support a Party I no longer recognize,” Fernandez wrote in an email, saying he could not understand how the GOP “could not distance itself from a man who has taken such liberties with the facts that calling him a liar would not suffice.”

Fernandez — who backed Gov. Jeb Bush’s presidential bid this cycle with his own millions and has supported comprehensive immigration reform plans that Trump has trashed — said that he has never met Hillary Clinton.

“She is far from perfect but benign in comparison to Trump,” said Fernandez. “I specially call on all Latinos to reject a man who encourages violence against you [as] he has done in Iowa and other places.”

While Fernandez has not specified whom he’ll give the money to, a coalition of Latino-outreach groups operating primarily in Central Florida say they’ll take all the help they can get. The groups — National Council of La Raza, Mi Familia Vota and the Hispanic Federation — say they together have helped register about 70,000 new Latino voters in Florida and want to sign up at least 30,000 more.

Jared Norland, an Orlando-based senior strategist with La Raza, said they have about three weeks left before the books are closed for new registrants to vote in the Nov. 8 general election. Any extra money will not only help sign up new voters, it would help with get-out-the-vote efforts after the registration period has closed.

Many of the Latinos the groups are targeting are poor or working-class and are difficult to reach.

“The more engagement we have with this community, the more it gets out the vote,” said Norland, who couldn’t comment on whether Fernandez would give to his coalition or not.

Hispanics account for more than 15 percent of Florida’s 12.4 million registered voters and they’re the fastest-growing major demographic group, in part, because of a mammoth influx of Puerto Rican voters moving to Central Florida from the island. In some polls, Puerto Rican voters favor Clinton by 50 points or more over Trump.

Fernandez also criticized Trump’s recent decision to re-embrace a hardline on the Cuban embargo. Fernandez, a Cuban-American immigrant who became a health-industry billionaire, once favored the embargo but says it has outlived its usefulness.

“As to my Cuban American community, how many more times have politicians told you what you wanted to hear and then did nothing? It's happening again,” Fernandez said. “This man is taking you and America down the same path of disappointment that you have lived for 60 years.”