
Lindsey Graham Says Trump Should Apologize for Birtherism

grahamSen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said that Trump should make a more complete apology to the president for the half-decade he spent casting suspicions about his birthplace.

Speaking to Bloomberg Tuesday, the former presidential candidate said that Trump’s terse affirmation last week that Obama was born in the U.S. was a “start.”

Trump’s brief remarks came loaded with an additional fabrication about the provenance of the birther movement and a false claim that he “ended” the issue.

“I would apologize,” Graham said. “I think the whole movement was unseemly. I had a lot of distaste for it. No factual basis. I think he would be taking the high ground, but that’s up to him.”

Graham, who dropped out of the presidential race last December, has been one of Trump’s more vocal Republican critics. Since the election cycle kicked off, Graham has condemnedendorsed, un-endorsed and then encouraged other Republicans to un-endorse Trump.

Sam Reisman (@thericeman) is a staff editor at Mediaite.

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