全 2 件のコメント

[–]Minecomf 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hey, I'm so sorry someone you know and trusted turned out to be filled with vile beliefs!

The most important thing, that I think you have down pat, is knowing that this idiot is completely wrong about you. Nobody could possibly fit into the insane mold that they've crafted for females, but it's not crazy for a person to wonder if cruel things told to them by a loved one were true.

Second, you now know a LOT of warning signs and red flags to look for in future relationships, and you can catch it in its early stages. However, this is, fortunately, pretty rare in real life. Usually people who lack self esteem or any kind of self love are drawn to "quick fixes" like this, but the sad reality is that these quick fixes usually alienate others because it assumes people are 2 dimensional and all fit into a "type". So I wouldn't fear a whole lot that you're going to be dating this type over and over again.

Overall, take some time to heal up and love yourself, because you need some love after being with that bullshit! I hope this never happens to you again!

[–]Valkyrie_10Loki's advocate 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Over the past few days he's been texting me as if we were buddies, hinting that he's "free to hang out" or something. I suspect this is a red pill tactic to win me over again or something so it's probably not even worth replying to.

If he's following the TRP playbook, he's most likely trying to pull you back in as a "plate."