全 17 件のコメント

[–]aescolanus 12ポイント13ポイント  (10子コメント)

tl;dr: "When you call attention to the unearned advantages I have, it makes me feel bad. Please stop talking about them. And don't try to take those advantages away, because that really makes me feel bad. MY FEELINGS ARE VALID AND YOU MUST RESPECT THEM."

[–]bcs 6ポイント7ポイント  (5子コメント)

Came here to post this, thank you for beating me to it.

Well, I might go slightly farther than you: these men have compelling anecdata about that one time that their male privilege bubble was burst, and they have soooooo maaaaaany feeeeeeels about it, and we should respect those feels because all these straight white men are full of them.

Yeah, no thanks, I'll pass.

[–]aescolanus 5ポイント6ポイント  (4子コメント)

It's complicated, because feelings are valid, and telling someone 'your feelings are wrong, you're not allowed to feel that way' is counterproductive at best. At the same time, the feelings of the men who feel this way are based on incorrect beliefs about the way the world is, and those incorrect beliefs need to be challenged. If straight white men were being shamed and discriminated against, that would be wrong - and their feelings of hurt and resentment are exactly the same as they would be if discrimination was really happening.

That is to say: the response should be "I respect your feelings, but men really aren't being discriminated against, and here's why."

Not sure why I'm feeling less snarky and more empathetic right now.

[–][deleted] 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Nothing wrong with empathy. And in person and in principle I completely agree. Telling some nice person who really has just had their feelings hurt because they said something insensitive or wrong or whatever that they are not allowed to feel hurt is pretty unproductive and mean. But being exposed to these non sequiturs and false dilemmas and straw arguments just overtime makes it hard to take them seriously.

But I feel ya.

[–]LedZeppelin1602 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

Unearned advantages such as:

  • Exclusive reproductive rights, which are denied to the opposite sex
  • Less punishment for criminal offences compared to the opposite gender
  • Affirmative action programs that discriminates against the opposite gender
  • Biased practices in family courts in their favour
  • Less burden to provide for ones family
  • Less workplace deaths
  • Far more healthcare funding compared to the opposite gender
  • Far more support services and gender-specific charities than the opposite gender
  • Being the top of societies concern of all groups
  • Not being expected to fight to maintain our freedoms

Oh wait, these are women's societal advantages, never mind

[–]RedErin 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

All those are because of the Patriarchy. Except for the top one, blame god for that.

[–][deleted] 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Stop you're killing me, I just can't take it.

[–]GayFesh 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Not being expected to fight to maintain our freedoms

Nobody alive today has ever "fought for our freedom" in the US military.

[–]Wobblie 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

This was pretty good, but I think some people might take the wrong message away from it. It's saying that you need to listen to how folks feel to be able to teach them differently, and these changes are a difficult process that will create some blowback. That's pretty much it. It's a pro-feminist article for sure.

[–]LedZeppelin1602 -1ポイント0ポイント  (1子コメント)

It denies men's issues as valid by suggesting that men are just bitter and angry and want to go back to when women were subjugated. That's not the case at all. Men just want equality. To have the same parental rights women have, to have charities to help male victims, to have fair and unbiased courts, for boys to be raised to not be ashamed of their sex, for male victims to be supported end not ignored

[–]cmoraUSGP 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Eh, I'd argue that the MRA movement was created to derail the feminist movement by creating a narrative that suffers from the but how about us mentality. Just like how the all lives matter movement derails the black lives matter movement.

Male privilege is real, men have the upper hand when it comes to which gender has the most power. As a male myself, I recognize that there are privileges that I have that women don't have the luxury of having. I can walk around my block without a second thought of having to deal with sexual harassment. I can get ready in the morning without the need of having to upheld myself to high standards of beauty.

The issues you listed are valid issues that feminism can fix. Those issues have their roots in patriarchy and feminism works to benefit men in that aspect.

Most men don't recognize what I just mentioned, they develop micro aggressions that creates hostility towards the opposite gender and in my opinion is what the men's rights movement is about. Just like how white fragility works to make white people feel uncomfortable and offended when confronted with racial issues, so do men when they're faced with gender issues.

[–][削除されました]  (2子コメント)


    [–]RedErin 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Isn't implying our brains ain't as good misandry btw have men's groups been notified yet? /s

    In our society men are encouraged and rewarded for being strong in a way that reading and being smart are not. So this is an obstacle to men. This is an example of the partriarchy hurting men.

    [–]RedErin 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Using a “rising sea lifts all boats” argument, Kimmel says gender equality is not just only fair, just and democratic, it also makes for happier outcomes and lives for women and men.

    Did that bother anyone else?

    Great article. I was worried at first.

    [–]GayFesh 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I found the Trump bit unnecessarily tacked onto the end despite never being brought up previously. It almost reads like an editor said "can you tie this to Trump?" and the author was like "ugh fine, I'll add a few things at the end."