Woman who treated police like a 'personal punchbag' avoids jail after 11th violent attack

Dawn Walker avoided jail for her 11th police attack
Dawn Walker avoided jail for her 11th police attack Credit: Cavendish Press

Police have accused magistrates of allowing a shameless single mother to treat police officers like her "personal punchbag" after she escaped jail for her 11th violent attack on them.

Dawn Walker, 34, has a string of convictions for assaulting police during drunken foul mouthed rampages - including four separate incidents upon officers in this year alone.

But the unemployed former cleaner - who claims employment support allowance - has repeatedly been spared jail after she insisted she was striving to be a "good role model" to her three children.

In the latest incident Walker hurled abuse at PC Thomas Cock, calling him a " fat c***" a " bearded c***" and a " blue-eyed b******" before headbutting him in the face during a night out in Burnley, Lancs.

Walker has three children
Walker has three children Credit: Cavendish Press

Earlier in the year she sank her teeth into another policeman's face as she had to be restrained on her car bonnet by several officers. It emerged she would drink three bottles of wine every night.

At Burnley magistrates court, Walker, from Bacup, faced up to six months jail after she admitted assaulting police in the execution of their duty and being drunk and disorderly. But JPs said they were suspending the sentence due to her 'circumstances.'

Rachel Baines, Chairman of Lancashire Police Federation said on Monday that the ruling meant officers had been "let down by the judicial system."

She added: "I cannot comprehend how this violent individual has once again been allowed to walk free. The Police officers assaulted also have a right to be protected from violent criminals, and no amount of mitigation should allow her to walk free, once again.

"This is her 11th conviction for assaulting police officers, the fourth this year, we are not here as her personal punch bag. This sentence is wholly inadequate."

Rachel Baines, the chairman of the Lancashire Police Federation
Rachel Baines, the chairman of the Lancashire Police Federation Credit: Cavendish Press

Earlier the court was told Walker has a criminal record of 17 offences going back 16 years, with 10 previous offences of police assault. 

Prosecutor Charlotte Crane said: "What that tells me is that she likes alcohol and doesn't like police officers." Miss Crane said officers got a call at 8pm on July 22 about a disturbance outside the the Big Window pub in Burnley town centre and found Walker and a man scuffling on the street.

"Officers separated the pair and PC Cock spoke to Miss Walker - but she was extremely abusive him, aiming a barrage of insults at him. She was warned about her behaviour but she raised her hand towards PC Cock. He arrested her and escorted her to the police station.

"Whilst being escorted, just outside Burnley Magistrates Court, she lashed out and headbutted him to the right side of his chin. Needless to say, she was further arrested. A spectacle is probably the best way to describe her behaviour on that particular evening."

Walker hurled a torrent of abuse at a policeman and headbutted him
Walker hurled a torrent of abuse at a policeman and headbutted him Credit: Cavendish Press

The court heard how the bust up occurred as Walker had been "letting her hair down" on one of her regular weekend boozing sessions and had rowed with her new boyfriend. She claimed to remember nothing about it.

But the outburst came just six weeks after Walker escaped with a 12 month community order after she attacked PC Thomas Lord as he questioned her for crashing her car in a drunken stupor. During the incident she told PC Lord to "f*** off," after he asked her to give a breath test, refused to get out of her Renault Megane, tried to bite and headbutt the officer and made verbal threats.

She tore at his cheek, breaking the skin and causing pain. In previous incidents earlier in the year she kicked an officer in the chest and booted another in the shin.

In mitigation defence lawyer Ben Leech said Walker had a drink problem and when her children had become "more independent" she had "more free time and more time to kill."

Mr Leech said as Walker was being walked across to the police station, she was handcuffed to the rear. She had back surgery in January, her head was down, she was looking at the floor and needed to stand up straight.

"She was telling the officer she needed to stand up," he said. "She was trying to force herself up and her head connected with the officer's chin."

Walker had to pay the victim £100 in compensation
Walker had to pay the victim £100 in compensation Credit: Cavendish Press

"She accepts drink plays a significant part in her behaviour. Its something she comes to court and accepts she needs to address, she wants help with.

"She has been into a rehabilitation unit when she suffered a mental health breakdown and that did have positive effects at the time. It prevented her from taking on board alcohol and it had the desired effect, but only for a short period.

"When she came out, she turned to alcohol once again as a crutch to get her through day -to -day life. She turns to alcohol to try and hide from the problems she most definitely has. A probation officer speculates her actions when in drink may be an instinctive response to direct instructions from males, arising from her long history of domestic abuse."

Walker received eight weeks in prison, suspended for a year, with a nine month alcohol treatment programme. She was ordered to pay the victim £100 compensation.

Sentencing bench chairman Mr Philip Homer told her: "We have to say the bench has not seen a record as poor as this for a long time. The purpose of the sentence is punishment and to protect the public because of the number of offences. But we can suspend it because of your circumstances. If there are any further offences of this nature, I cannot see any reason why you would not be sent to custody."