全 10 件のコメント

[–]ShanghaiSIPG [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Uyghurs should not be allowed to travel to other provinces and cities in China. They are a security risk. Racial profiling is NOT racism, its common sense. If Uyghurs don't like it, then they can tell their brothers and sisters in ETIM to stop it haha

Urumqi was founded by Han and Hui people.

[–]fearnote[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

/u/anglojewishdoghumper I trust you are familiar with the ethnicity of the guy who wrote the first article I mentioned?

[–]fearnote[S] [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

Compare this to how the propaganda organ New York Times hates Moro Muslims and slanders them.

Moro Muslim MNLF declare they are against United States aggression against China in the SCS

New York Times responds with hack job to slander the Moro Muslims, falsely claims Moro insurrecionists started the war in 1899 and falsely claims that every Philippine governemnt since independence in 1946 has tried to bring "peace" to the Muslims of Mindanao

America started the war against the Moros in 1904 by invading them and violating the Bates Treaty it signed with them in 1899 which promised to leave them alone.

Marcos started the latest war against the Moros with the Jabidah Massacre and his soldiers mass raped and slaughtered Moro Muslim girls in the Malisbong massacre.

New York Times derides Moro Muslims as "Islamic extremists"

New York Times blames Moro Muslims for the insurgency

New York Times calls Moro Muslims "Islamic militants"

Western media like New York times claim Uyghurs and Rohingya are peaceful secular Sufis while Moros are evil terrorist Islamists- because Moros are against the American agenda.

The New York Times represents the true face of the vile, hypocritical liberal establishment in the United States. They are vile wicked people who think Muslims are their personal foreign policy puppets to use against countries they don't like, and when certain Muslims don't follow their agenda they will slander them as terrorists and Islamists. These liberals don't view non westerners as humans. They view them as enemies or puppets. The neocon Washington Post has the exact same views as the liberal New York Times on these issues.

Western media think Uyghurs and Rohingya are their puppets to use against Asian countries while they despise and hate Moros who fight against the western agenda. How many of these hypocrites will house Rohingya in their homes whom they claim to love so much?

Everyone needs to spread the fact how the Turkistan Islamic Party is using western media and Falun Gong propaganda in its campaign of lies.

[–]New_Katipunan [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

LOL, and what's the difference between Uighurs and Moros? Oh, I get it - the former are fighting for independence from China, therefore they are terrorists and bad guys, while the latter are fighting for independence from a US ally and enemy/victim of China, therefore they are freedom fighters and good guys. The double standard is truly sickening. :)

[–]fearnote[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

The difference is that the Moros land were invaded by the United States in violation of the Bates Treaty in an aggressive conquest against their will in 1904. The United States signed the Bates Treaty with the Moros in 1899 promising to leave their internal affairs alone.

The Moros have been subjeced to demographic swamping of mass settlement of Filipino Christians from Luzon and the Visayas upon Mindanao, started by America. Now Filipino Christians are the majoriy in Mindanao. American companies looted Mindanao of its mineral resources.

The Uyghur Sufi leader Afaq Khoja invited the Buddhist Dzungars from Dzungaria to invade his own country (Chagatai Yarkent Khanate) in the Tarim Basin in 1680 to fight against his rivals the Ishaqi Sufi sect and the Chagatai Khan. The Dzungars obliged his request and invaded and installed Afaq Khoja as puppet ruler.

The Dzungars started taxing Uyghurs heavily and demanded Uyghur women to use for sex.

Uyghur laeders like Abdullah Beg from Hami and Emin Khoja from Turfan then started begging and pleading the Qing dynasty to free them from Dzungar rule in exchange for swearing alleigance to the Qing and living under Qing rule.

the Qing defeated the Dzungars and took control of both Dzungaria and the Tarim Basin from the Dzungar Khanate. The Qing settled Han and Hui farmers on former Dzungar territory in Dzungaria and in the former Dzungar city of Urumqi, while the Tarim Basin remained majority Uyghur.

In 1884, the Qing decided to combine Dzungaria and the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang province.

The government of China has directed Han and Hui settlement towards Dzungaria. The majority of Han and Hui in Xinjiang live in Dzungaria in Dzungarian cities like Urumqi and Karamay. Most important minerals like oil industry are in Dzungaria and that is where China extracts oil.

The Tarim Basin is over 90% Uyghur. Uyghurs are not being subjected to demographic flooding on their own land. Uyghur nationalists falsely claim the entire Xinjiang as their land including Dzungaria and that is where the false claims Han are settling on Uyghur land come from.

Uyghurs invited the Dzungars and the Qing to invade them. Uyghurs are not being demographically flooded on their own lands.

To this day, Uyghur Sufis still worship at Afaq Khoja's tomb. They worship at the grave of the man who invited non-Muslim Buddhist infidels to invade their own country because he was bitter that he lost in a power struggle. Anyone who worships at his grave and wants independence is a hypocrite.

Moros didn't invite invasion. Moros fought against Spain for 300 years and America signed the Bates Treaty promising not to invade them. America violated that treaty and invaded them against their will with no invitation from any Moro leader. America demographically flooded Moro land in Mindanao with Filipino Christian settlers and is looting Mindanao's resources. Moros were subjected to mass rapes.