This Bootleg Kickstarter for a Brigandine Sequel is All Sorts of Wrong

King's Gate

There are bad pitches, there are lazy pitches, and there are pitches that you have to stay away from. I can forgive some transgressions, but when a project like King’s Gate comes along it throws up so many red flags it needs to be talked about. This is supposed to be a sequel to Brigandine, a late 90’s tactical RPG that appeared on the PS1.

King's Gate Brigandine

The pitch for King’s Gate is so bare bones, I still don’t know anything about it. I don’t know anything about Brigandine, and the Kickstarter campaign doesn’t instill any desire to. If a game is in the style (or even a direct sequel or remake) of another game, backers need to know what it’s about and how it plays. There’s nothing there.

Too Many Questions

If that’s not enough for you to slowly walk away from King’s Gate, then read on. Let’s start with the obvious omissions. There’s no video, no screenshots, no nothing. As mentioned, they also don’t talk about the game that inspired it. There’s barely any mention of talks with the developers of the original game, which alone should be a red flag. They don’t talk about who they are or what they bring to the table.

King's Gate Brigandine

To add insult to injury, as it were, the current Kickstarter campaign for King’s Gate launched a scant few days after a previous unsuccessful attempt. This one is also running at a third of what was originally asked for. It boggles the mind that they’ve gotten half of the requested funding this time around on so little.

Frankly, King’s Gate campaign is a joke in pretty much any definition of the word. If Kickstarter or Atlus doesn’t put a stop to Socially Gaming’s poor attempt at getting money, I’ll be surprised.


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Serena Nelson
Serena has been a gamer since an early age and was brought up with the classic adventure games by Sierra On-Line, LucasArts, and Infocom. She's been an active member on Kickstarter since early 2012 and has backed a large number of crowdfunded games, mostly adventures. You can also find her writing for Kickstart Ventures and
Serena Nelson


Hero of the AGRM, admin/content writer for @KS_Ventures, social media intern for @POStudios, writer for @Cliqist & social media manager for @FableFoundry
I just backed Voyage of Fortune's Star — a 7th Sea cRPG on @Kickstarter - 12 mins ago
Serena Nelson
Serena Nelson
  • The shadiest thing about this (other than trying to make a game he doesn’t have the rights to) is the fact that he launched this followup campaign immediately after the other one failed, and has the new funding goal set to the exact amount people pledged last time. Screams scam to me!

    • Yeah. There’s just so much wrong with this campaign that I’m really surprised it’s done as well as it has so far.

  • I’ve seen some bad pitches before, but this is one of the worst. I still don’t know anything about Brigandine and I have no desire to after seeing this campaign.