Not even the amish men can escape the modern womens way

Topic by $$$Crenshaw1118

Home Forums MGTOW Central Not even the amish men can escape the modern womens way

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    Here’s a good one my mother was telling me yestetday and I gotta share this with you guys. Apparently the sister-in-law of my half sister was fucking an amish guy. As we do live in the heart of amish country in Ohio.This bitch recorded these sexual acts on video and blackmailed this poor amish guy out of $50,000. She told him she was going to show the video to the bishop if he didn’t give her 50 grand. And this dumb fucker gives it to her. My mom was saying the bank was questioning him about such a large withdrawl. He apparently told them it was for a friend for medical bills. I know the guy was scared to death about being shunned by his people but come on man. My opinion I would have called her bluff. Now this bitch just bought a house is living large on the hard earned money of someone elses. I hope this fucker has learned his lesson not to be cheating on his wife. Bad thing is I know this bitch and I can about bet his wife is going find out when she gets an std. Cause this cunt is a whore. She has like 3 kids she lost custody to the state. That’s another example of how ruthless some women are. What I don’t understand is that I always thought that a large withdrawl like that the government would want to know where it’s going. But, I don’t know for sure. I hope somehow this all works against her. Then again he shouldn’t have been committing adultery but, $50,000 is a tough one to swallow. I just hope that atleast she swallowed.



    They are an evil lot. Do not trust them, especially with anything important, or secret.

    I've got plenty of booze and there's fish in the creek. I'm staying here the rest of my life.



    He probably shouldn’t have been committing adultery. Sorry, no sympathy from me. This isn’t team man vs. team woman, I call it as I see it objectively.




    why should i even bother?



    Heh, 50 grand is just the beginning of what he will pay.

    Consequences can suck.

    "Only a sith deals in absolutes" The Force is against me



    He probably shouldn’t have been committing adultery. Sorry, no sympathy from me. This isn’t team man vs. team woman, I call it as I see it objectively.

    I agree.

    "We will meet in the place where there is no darkness" 1984



    First he got laid and then he got fucked, what’s new?

    MGTOW: The only FIRE EXIT in the building! Your choice, live or fry?



    He probably shouldn’t have been committing adultery.

    And adultery is easily prevented by not getting married in the first place.

    What an idiot.

    It’s her fault for being a greedy lying whore, and his fault for being a stupid dumbass who fucks greedy lying whores.



    He should have brought legal action then asked the community for forgiveness, givin their values which I shit about.

    Or..go fuck the bishop’s wife and get keverage on him. Ha

    Blackmail…criminal offense.

    Fuck the

    Mgtow of Honor: Keymaster for being like Moses, Kaido, Hitman for peace, understanding and leading the way, Varun for mastering the word NO. ***You do NOT hate women. They just ARE. Free your mind and focus on YOU. After red pill rage resolves comes peace and happiness. MGTOW TRUTH! ZERO HATE, PURE PEACE. Restarting Your Life MGTOW SUMMARY: THE BIG PICTURE, Why MGTOW?



    I predict she’ll run out of money and do it again.
    At some point she’ll mysteriously disappear and her body will never be found.

    What if the guy lived a sexless marriage? How’d he cope with it?- they don’t have internet porn or nothing- remember? Or do they? They at least gotta have some porn mags or something

    proud carrier of the 'why?' chromosome



    He should have brought legal action then asked the community for forgiveness, givin their values which I shit about.

    Or..go fuck the bishop’s wife and get keverage on him. Ha

    Blackmail…criminal offense.

    Fuck the

    The punishment for adultery is probably stoning to death.

    He could have left the order, but I guess he didn’t want to do that either. Shrug.

    Just don’t get married in the first place!



    That’s actually what I told my mother is going to happen. She will run outta money and try to get more. Then years down the road we will be reading in the paper about a womans body being found buried in some shallow grave in some amish barn.



    He probably shouldn’t have been committing adultery. Sorry, no sympathy from me. This isn’t team man vs. team woman, I call it as I see it objectively.

    She’s a heartless cunt, but that’s to be expected.
    If he feared being shunned to the tune of 50k then he should not have been doing it.
    If he would have said “fuck you, go ahead and tell”. I would have more respect for him.
    Easy to bet she is stalking her next Amish victim.
    A classic confidence scam.

    If you rescue a damsel in distress, all you will get is a distressed damsel.



    Two women, twice the hassle, especially if one of them is willing to indulge in blackmail –

    Free Titties Meme

    Marriage is grand. Divorce is 500 grand!


    Gabriel A. King

    Ha ha brutal & ruthless ! She obviously set him up and planned the whole thing…. she might be good looking so can you really blame the guy for being tempted and hitting it ?

    Damn you know it’s getting bad when even Amish guys are falling victim to the new “predator class” females! And if Hitlery gets in, all us males will probably all have our junk tagged & chipped like animals.


    Old Sage

    Thats some expensive pussy!



    junk tagged & chipped like animals.

    That a seriously painful mental image..I hate to see what the cock scanner will look like. Some rabid vag with steel teeth.

    If you rescue a damsel in distress, all you will get is a distressed damsel.



    He probably shouldn’t have been committing adultery. Sorry, no sympathy from me. This isn’t team man vs. team woman, I call it as I see it objectively.

    She’s a heartless cunt, but that’s to be expected.
    If he feared being shunned to the tune of 50k then he should not have been doing it.
    If he would have said “fuck you, go ahead and tell”. I would have more respect for him.
    Easy to bet she is stalking her next Amish victim.
    A classic confidence scam.

    Could have hired a very high class escort for a fraction of the price, better sex and next to no danger of being blackmailed, as those are professionals.


    debt slayerrrr

    don’t tell a slut how much money you have. He probably hinted owning some wealth to her.



    Most Amish have money. .
    She’s a predator. Knew her mark and hit it hard..
    Karma. ..Karma. .

    ALL Women Meet The Clinical Definition Of Psychosis.

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