Trump predicts ‘more and more’ bombings because U.S. leaders are ‘stupid’

Dylan Stableford
Senior editor

Donald Trump says there will be “more and more” bombings like those that occurred in New York and New Jersey over the weekend because the country’s “stupid” leaders have been “weak” on immigration.

“It’s a mess, and it’s a shame,” the Republican nominee said in an interview with “Fox & Friends” Monday. “I think this is something that maybe we’ll get — will happen perhaps more and more all over the country because we’ve been weak. Our country’s been weak. We’re letting people in by the thousands, the tens of thousands.”

Trump pointed to President Obama’s recently announced goal to admit 110,000 refugees from around the world to the United States during the 2017 fiscal year — an increase from the 85,000 goal for the 2016 fiscal year.

“They can’t be properly vetted,” Trump said. “I spoke to law enforcement, the best people in law enforcement. They think there’s no way of vetting these people.”

The real estate mogul took the opportunity to ratchet up his anti-Obama rhetoric: “Our leaders are — I don’t even say ‘weak,’ I say ‘stupid.'”

Trump questioned officials who said it appeared there was no connection between the explosions and international terrorism. Shortly after the “Fox & Friends” interview, federal officials announced they are seeking 28-year-old Ahmad Khan Rahami, a U.S. citizen of Afghan descent, in connection with Saturday’s bombing in New York City.

“I think there is many foreign connections,” he said. “I think this is one group. You have many, many groups because we’re allowing these people to come into our country and destroy our country and make it unsafe for people.”

The former reality television host lamented the reluctance of police to use racial profiling to combat terrorism.

“We don’t want to do any profiling,” Trump said. “If somebody looks like he’s got a massive bomb on his back, we won’t go up to that person … because, if he looks like he comes from that part of the world, we’re not allowed to profile. Give me a break.”

Trump was criticized for telling a crowd at a rally that a “bomb” had gone off in New York City before officials were able to determine what caused the explosion. But on Monday, he boasted that he “called it.”

“I didn’t see it, but I heard I was criticized for calling it correctly,” Trump said. “But what I said was exactly correct. I should be a newscaster, because I called it before the news.”

At his rally in Colorado Springs on Saturday, Trump informed the crowd about the blast in Manhattan before city officials confirmed a bomb had caused it.

“I must tell you that just before I got off the plane, a bomb went off in New York,” the Republican nominee said. “And nobody knows exactly what’s going on. But, boy, we are living in a time — we better get very tough, folks. We better get very, very tough.”


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