Do you guys think starting MGTOW early is smart? I agree with everything I read here and all my life girls have cheated on me, dumped me, laughed in my face, and in the end I'm always labelled the bad guy. I remember this mangina told me if I hurt his friend (who I had just started dating) he would come after me, well surprise surprise I was the one who ended up getting hurt. No one said anything when she did it to me but if I did to her I would not have heard the end of it. From what I can tell red pill life is bliss, your money is 100% yours, you decide how you live, what you do everyday, you're much more likely to be successful. You can have safe sex with girls and not be tied down, go home alone aftet coitus and not be nagged or disrespected over ever little thing. From what I hear the mgtow life is for me.