Christian Vieri claims “I see myself in Zlatan Ibrahimovic”, Pietro Vierchowod was his hardest opponent and Juventus remain “ahead of everyone else”.
Speaking to Radio Deejay on Monday, Serie A legend Vieri – who scored 202 goals for the likes of Juve, Lazio and Inter before his retirement in 2009 – sought to set the record straight on a number of topics.
“If I’d played a few years later, I’d have made a lot more money, but I’m not complaining,” he began.
“Who do I see myself in? Ibrahimovic. He’s a very technical player who scores an avalanche of goals wherever he goes.
“The hardest player I faced? Vierchowod. When I played against him, it was a struggle every time.
“He’d mark me man for man and kick me to pieces. He had some impressive studs.
“Even now, when we play five-a-side and marks me man for man, I remind him that we stopped playing a long time ago and now he needs to defend zonally, but he tells me he doesn’t care and that he won’t let me score.
“The League? This year I see Juve ahead of everyone else, including Inter, despite their mercato.
“De Boer? I know him well, we played against each other. We gave each other many blows, although he always took more.”