全 20 件のコメント

[–]shadowsweep 3ポイント4ポイント  (11子コメント)

Your assertions that:

  1. China produces a more powerful and larger brain trust faster than the West [I think you are referring to anglo-Americans?]

  2. The intellectual price for technological dominance continues to increase

are both correct.


However, there is at least one great danger on the horizon - synthetic intelligence [genetic mod, AI, etc]. Possession of such an ability by the West would counter all natural and social advantages that Asians have. The only solution would be Asians getting there first and using that advantage.


That brings me to my second fear, unrealistic Asian delusion for East-West harmony. Judging by the ginger treatment of their Western enemies, I think such a tech may end up being shared to benefit humanity only for us to be killed off in response.


Relevant story. http://www.aesopfables.com/cgi/aesop1.cgi?4&TheScorpionandtheFrog

[–]kangol371 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

AI is not the great danger. It is genetic engineering, but from what I have read, the Chinese state is openly trying to be a pioneer in this dangerous science. Who knows, maybe in the future, after unregulated scientist makes a breakthrough, race really will be an arbitrary thing, and there will be no need for subreddits like these.

[–]AOIC[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is something I'm worried about too. We're not able to fully understand the benefits and drawbacks of even ONE gene, and we're trying to mess with them at random.

Chinese news isn't clear on its own practices, so I can only hope the initial sample of genetically enhanced people is small, distributed, and that it will be controlled and not allowed to mix with the population at large for some time.

[–]shadowsweep 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

We're stuck between a rock and hard place. I wouldn't want them to sit out because our enemies are likely working in secret, but I hope they take extra care not to fuck up humanity.

[–]AOIC[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (4子コメント)

I study computer science, second year, in one of the top 10/15 schools for it in North America. I don't know if you do, maybe you're studying or you've already graduated with a degree in computer science or math or something similar, maybe you haven't, I'll assume you haven't for the sake of this post.

I've done some internships in some of the top tech companies in SF and met with some bright people (professors and students) in many different top universities - they don't agree with Musk's assessment of AI. I don't know ENOUGH to comment on the matter, but I trust a horde of experts over Musk who's more about breadth than depth - I think his fear is more that AI will cause a shit-ton of job loss, than that AI will kill us, even if he states otherwise.

The general sentiment is this:

AI augments, but still needs a set of instructions - and unless we can cleanly reduce human consciousness to a set of instructions, we won't be worrying about Skynet anytime soon. And that's putting the cart before the horse, seeing as we haven't even gotten around to establishing what human consciousness is, let alone a general consciousness.

So the problem becomes a problem of philosophy, of how to define something, and not one of methods or processes, that is, the problem is not one of: what metals should I use for the rocket, what fuel, etc. or how the atom is to be split. In fact, these problems were only addressable after the philosophical problems of - what is a rocket, or what is an atom - were addressed. And so on, backwards recursively.

Neurology and neuroscience is helping us make headway, but we're still only looking at the metrics we've established for manifestations of physical processes. The data we get from these metrics only allows for the reproduction of these manifestations, not the inner workings.

[–]shadowsweep 4ポイント5ポイント  (3子コメント)

Arguing the timeline is very tough so let's avoid that. I am mainly concerned about the ability of synthetic intelligence that just takes input [no consciousness] to solve otherwise insurmountable problems that would create a huge tech lead for its owners. For example, analyzing giant data sets to find patterns to discover super materials > better turbofans, armor, reliable fusion containment, etc.


Imagine systems that automate much of what scientists do today. A lot of it can be done with AI. It won't become Skynet, but it's still one hell of a tool.

[–]RagingRaijin 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

And there's a vid of a robot brute forcing its way to find a cure to a sickness.

It just dips like 100+ petri dishes at a time with different compounds and collects data on that.


Found the vid


And this was back in Nov 2013

[–]shadowsweep 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Thank you. That's a good example of what I mean.

[–]kangol371 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I wouldn't call this AI. This is an algorithm, the rules of which are written by a human being. We have a ways to go before we reach sentient machines (, if ever).

[–]OnionOntology 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

That brings me to my second fear, unrealistic Asian delusion for East-West harmony. Judging by the ginger treatment of their Western enemies, I think such a tech may end up being shared to benefit humanity only for us to be killed off in response.

What's wrong with hoping (and striving) for a better future where people can live happily together regardless of their skin color? Are you suggesting that we should develop faster and kill them off first?

I'm afraid that you're having a very warped view of the world, and life.

[–]shadowsweep 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

What's wrong with hoping (and striving) for a better future where people can live happily together regardless of their skin color?


Nothing wrong with it. In fact, it sounds great on paper. Just like freedom and democracy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RC1Mepk_Sw



Re-read the frog / scorpion parable because you don't get it.

[–]0821112 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Add to this the Chinese population and even if there is a smaller number of the gene, just need to take a look at China's richest to see how far ruthlessness combined with intelligence can go. Huawei has gone from 0 to a new Apple samsung challenger, Alibaba has smashed everything, Didi, growing fear from the west that Wanda + others are taking over hollywood and the West is copying from Tencent (Now I know about "The great wall" but that was written before legendary was bought out, also gives exposure to a hell of a lot of Asian actors)

Not just Chinese too, cant forget the fact that Samsung, Sony etc are doing terrific work as well. Imagine a schenghen policy in place only for STEM. One could dream eh?

[–]TotesMessenger [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

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[–]kangol371 -2ポイント-1ポイント  (4子コメント)

Wow, seriously tl;dr. There have been IQ studies on races --north-east asians do very well in spatial reasoning. ashkenazi jews skew the distribution curve of whites (they are white when it is a positive).

Regardless, the argument you are trying to make (whether true or not), is a headache, and not going to get you or anyone else very far in an argument, just state what is obvious and irrefutable -- please read arcterex117 OP in Do We Belong in a "Civic Society", and that is,"The people screaming "Make America Great" have never been why America's been great; they have always been economic and moral free-riders on the other two groups." That is to say, that the majority of the whites are useless eaters, riding on the coat-tails of the very tiny minority elites. Get it ??

Furthermore, why are you here? Just reading some of your posts, and you are single-handedly dividing this subreddit. Take your trollish, nationalist posts to a different subreddit please, or create your own Chinese-Identity subreddit.

[–]AOIC[S] 3ポイント4ポイント  (3子コメント)

I can't really tl;dr, it's more about the factors than the conclusion - and the conclusion is already stated in the first few sentences.

I'm going to show that the edge the West has got now in this gene distribution is set to become worthless and play second fiddle to raw Asian intellect.

Further, it's not only important to know what the racial IQs are now, but what they will be in the future and what factors there are that will lead to the future divergence or convergence of racial IQs (on the extreme right of the spectrum), and along the way, to show that some of the beliefs that many White Supremacists have regarding their racial IQ - are false.

The problem is that in talking of Asia and it's rise, an event crucial to Asian identity and the only antidote to White supremacy, China becomes the main topic by sheer merit of its population and history.

You can't separate the two, and you can't mention China's role in the upcoming Asian hegemony without dwarfing the other countries unless you bundle them up in the comparison, at which point they lose individuality - and in attempting to preserving their individuality by performing nominally equal comparisons, you end up taking too much time to get to the point(s), and I already take up alot of time.

There is no solution to the problem at hand, China simply displaces everything through its size. But many of the talking points I make relating to China are applicable to all Asian countries.

Also, I know I come across as zealously nationalistic, but it's really a function of my optimism for China's future, having visited it every now and then over the years.

Good point on the Ashkenazi Jews by the way, I've integrated it into the OP.

[–]kangol371 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I welcome a rise in China.

I do not agree with anything else you wrote.

[–]RagingRaijin 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Really nice writeups!

I appreciate your efforts brother